Hi Everyone
Hope you are all enjoying the spring weather. But .....
is anyone experiencing more hypos since it got warmer? I had to increase my insulins slightly during winter. My CDE said this is not uncommon with the cold weather and getting less Vitamin D.
Over the last week or so I have had more lows - 3.8/3.9 than I have had altogether for a long time. I am adjusting both my insulin down by half units to see if this works. I hate the cold and do find it impacts on both blood pressure and BGLs but was not aware of the impact of VitD/sunshine on the impact of insulin.
Should have this under control now that I have thought about what is happening, but was wondering if anyone is similarly effected.
I find that the low BGLs, even in the 4s, are leaving me more tired than they use to, but it may be the lingering effects of a bad cold a couple of weeks ago as well.
Enjoy the ☀️