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  • 1.  How often do you visit a podiatrist?

    Posted 13-09-2022 17:00

    The NDSS recommends that people living with diabetes visit a podiatrist every two months.

    How often do you visit?

    If it is less often, what are the reasons (cost, time etc.?)

    Community Team
    Natasha, Erin and Ange

  • 2.  RE: How often do you visit a podiatrist?

    Posted 13-09-2022 17:48
    Getting appointments is a real issue in rural areas. They are in high demand in my home town.

    It took me 4 months to get an appointment at 8am on a Saturday morning at the start of this year. And that was because my orthotics needed a very minor adjustment. Cost $105. No rebates from Medicare or Private Health.

    Every two months is problematic given costs, and availability.

    And, does this apply to every T1? What about those with no peripheral neuropathy? Having been assessed by a nerve specialist the year before, surely once a year is enough.

    Adjunct Professor David H McKinnon
    School of Education
    Edith Cowan University
    Joondalup 6027, Perth
    Western Australia


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  • 3.  RE: How often do you visit a podiatrist?

    Posted 16-09-2022 11:09
    Hi David,
    I think you've raised some really important questions for all Type1 diabetics living in rural areas. Firstly, visiting a Podiatist for Type1's whenever there's a concern seems basic commonsense. This may be numerous times a year, even having  a great HBA1C and being highly vigilant as you appear to be in discussions.  I don't know if a Podiatist can do a zoom call with rural Type1's and refer a Type1 to the local GP or regional hospital?  A friend, who's a geriatric specialist does zoom calls to rural areas with a nurse present with the patient. This would be a great question for our community forum team to assist those in rural areas, as there must be ways to alleviate the disadvantages of our health system.
    I just saw my Podiatist yesterday under my chronic health plan where there are five free visits. I always take advantage of this plan to check my feet. The Podiatist I see has made foam supports on my inserts   to stop my corns hurting, clips my nails, uses an abrasive pad to take off callouses, checks reflexes, nerves etc etc. Maybe, the making of an orthotic is not part of this Chronic  health plan. Some health insurances, such as Teachers Health top extras, do cover orthotics fully up to $100. There is also cover for CGM'S and a subscription to Diabetes Australia!
    Rural health for Type1's is a real concern and must be highlighted and addressed by Diabetes Australia  for Type1 diabetics.
