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  • 1.  Low carb diet

    Posted 28-05-2020 10:12

    I googled Sarah Hallberg to find out more about the low carb diet that Greg uses, and found that it differs from Atkins in using fats instead of protein to replace the carbohydrates. The clip she delivers about this diet is dated 2015. So I have a few questions more about it.

    1/How long have you been using this diet Greg?

    2/How do you consume so much fat? Most of it must be vegetable or you will have cholesterol problems.

    3/What supplements do you take to get the vitamins and minerals that you need daily?

    4/ Have any long term studies been made about effects on the body's organs?


  • 2.  RE: Low carb diet

    Posted 29-05-2020 21:31

    Hi Ian,

    I'm 65 and diabetic for 3 years.  I started a low carb diet in April 2019, with a few hiccups later that year.  My blood glucose level (BGL) has begun to rise again so I decided I'd better take my diet more seriously.
    I started with a 5:2 diet (800 cals x 5 days, normal healthy eating x 2).  It was hard for a couple of days but I drank more water and got over the "bumps". After 2 weeks I started a low carb diet. I had a blood test just after my 2 week 5:2 diet and didn't expect much change, but to my and my doctors delight my fasting BGL dropped from 7 to 5.3. And that's not all! My total cholesterol dropped from 6.5 to 4.8. My HbA1c was 6.0 and I'm happy to say it's now 5.8. I'm sure that will improve too.

    We are conditioned after 4 decades or so to regard fat as the enemy but it's not true. If  we eat like our grandparents did, our cholesterol will improve too. Along with veges and protein, fat is good!  Fat is what satisfies your hunger and doesn't cause a spike in BGLs.  This diet includes more fats than we are used to, but also a wide range of vegetables. There are  carbs in vegetables, and they come with fibre to help digest it all without a great effect on BGLs. Nature's medicine. No need for supplements with all those veges.

    My doctor is a proponent of low carb eating for her Diabetic patients but even she was surprised at the rapid response of the 5:2 diet.  If you can do it, give it a go (under medical supervision if you're on medication of course) as a kickstart to eating without so many carbs. It gives your body a wake up call. At least I found it helpful.

    Dr Richard K Bernstein has written a book entitled The Diabetes Diet. I loved it because, for the first time, I realised that it was a good idea to aim for "normal" BGL's not the guidelines for diabetics which allow a higher range. Also I found out that he is T1, eating that way for decades, and is now over 90. I think that answers your question about long term effects of low carb on the body.
    I can also recommend Dr Michael Mosley's books - The 8 week blood sugar diet, the clever guts diet, and the fast 800. I learned a lot and incorporated many of his ideas into my life. He explains things very well.
    I love to bake and I love chocolate. Dr Hallberg's TED talk has galvanised me to do what's best for my body again. It's easy to forget, especially when cooking for my husband who likes his potatoes and pasta! So it'll be a couple of squares of 70-85% dark chocolate every now and again, and baking without wheat flour and sugar. And I'll go back to using zucchini slices or cauliflower rice with the Bolognese sauce or stir fry.
    Everyone has to find what suits them best, and all I can say is "low carb and test test test" until you know how different foods affect you. 
    Good luck to you, and all of us, in our quest to beat this disease.



  • 3.  RE: Low carb diet

    Posted 30-05-2020 11:54
    Hello everybody, another beautiful day in Queensland !

    Did anyone hear on the TV news that Diabetics type 2 like myself are more prone to Cancer and Dementia ?
    Not the sort of news we like to hear eh ?

    I keep myself Mentally busy with Guitar Practice, my old Classic car,  Computer, and Shannons Car Club  so that my mind is never 'stagnant'
    I think that might help postponing dementia !

    Hope you are all in control of your Blood-Sugars and feeling good,

    Best Regards     Geoff


  • 4.  RE: Low carb diet

    Posted 31-05-2020 15:19

    I read with amazement the subject of Carb in our diet .

    I have been a diabetic #2 for more than 25 yrs.​,initially on medication & went to Insulin about 7 yrs.ago,& despite what one may perceived- Insulin is a good option in terms of management & control ( & lesser medication taken). For the record, my HBAIC is around 5.8-6.8 ( per 6 mth tests),colestrol  3.4 - 4. Plus my weight stays constant 62-63 kg..
    Unfortunately  Diabetes was in the famiy( on my mother's side).
    Coming back to the diet- there is nothing wrong or bad about Carb.--it's how much or potion one consumes it., Complex carb is Ok.( low carb,& small potions),Like Ian, I'm also wondering about Greg's consumption of fat ( in  theZero carb,diet)what does it do to  your cholesterol??. .& long term effects to your organs if one consumes only Protein,minus  all the greens ,minerals & fibre in your diets ?
    Rule of thumb - everything in moderation, & portion control, & even "the naughty foods",U can still enjoy them, as long as it's a Treat rather than a regular basis.
    According to my diabetic dietician, try to read the label, & keep your food on the Low GI group is the way to go.
    Good Luck



  • 5.  RE: Low carb diet

    Posted 31-05-2020 19:35

    Hi Margaret,

    Its great you're managing your diabetes well after 25 years, whether you use insulin or diet. That's a long time and good to hear you're doing well.

    It's my hope I won't get to the stage of using medication or insulin, and it's why I have gone down the low carb path. I am within a normal weight range and have mostly eaten healthy food, but diabetes is rife in my father's family. Gee, thanks Dad!
    I've read a lot about it and have been encouraged by my doctor. She is one of many doctors who are now seeing the benefits of eating  this way for diabetes and other diseases.

    When I first started looking I thought that it would be very high proteins and fats, but this is not the case in many of the low carb sites. I found that a lot of emphasis was put on eating a large variety of vegetables, but also reasonable amounts of protein and incorporating healthy fats like avocado and olive oil in meals. It's a very healthy way to eat. I'm all for natural unprocessed food and avoiding refined carbohydrates.

    Low fat food is made palatable by adding sugars and other chemicals and I've never used them.  

    Every person is different, but I notice that a lot of us have been testing our BGLs after potatoes and other root vegetables, pasta, rice, bread etc and found it spikes those blood sugars. That's true in my case too and why I've now "ditched the carbs".
    I believe we can reverse diabetes and that's my aim. It's not a "cure". If I ate carbs again I know it would come back.

    Also high HbA1c is associated with chronic inflammation in the body.  Inflammation is part of the reason diabetes progresses and is associated with other diseases. Here's a quote from Harvard Medical school research:

    "The four horsemen of the medical apocalypse - coronary artery disease, diabetes, cancer, and Alzheimer's - may  be riding the same steed: inflammation."

    So I'm thinking that getting my sugar levels to normal would help me in lots of ways, not just for diabetes. I'll be watching my cholesterol levels and other blood tests as well, but I think they will improve too. With my doctor's  help I will do whatever is best for my body now and in the future. 
    Anyway, that's why I am now eating the low carb way.

    I hope this has explained where I am coming from, and I wish you well with your approach which works for you.



  • 6.  RE: Low carb diet

    Posted 30-05-2020 07:05
    Hi Ian

    Thanks for your questions.

    1. For me, I would say that it's not really a "Diet", but rather a total change in my way of eating.
    I was diagnosed as diabetic in March last year, and I was then prompted to attend some Diabetes Qld. Seminars.
    At that time, my focus was on cutting out the rubbish foods that I was consuming, and concentrating on lowering my carbs and learning to read food labels, to make better choices."
    I cut a few carbs, and then immediately started to feel a lot better overall and also having much more energy.
    I also began to lose some weight.
    I researched carbs further and found lots of other information and sources on the internet claiming the same thing about carbs causing serious damage to your body, and how diabetics cannot process them very well.
    My research gravitated me towards the Keto diet requirements, but I don't really claim to be aligned to that WOE totally. However, I do like their thinking, and the Keto-approved food lists that they promote."
    So over the next nine months, I lost 30 kg, from 118kg to 88kg, I'm almost at my target weight, and my Hba1c fell from 8.1 to 5.4.
    I'm pretty happy with that, and I've found the low carb foods can be very tasty, filling, and enjoyable. "

    2. I don't place a lot of emphasis on meeting the high fat requirements, but I do eat a lot more "Healthy Fats". In any case, my cholesterol levels have actually improved since cutting the carbs and consuming healthy fats.
    I now don't worry about consuming avocados, full fat diary products (Low fat dairy has more sugar added), lower carb nuts for snacks, and red and white meats.
    I cook with olive and avocado oils.
    "I only consume low carb vegetables, and no root veggies such as potatoes, no wheat products such as breads, and no fruits, except for low carb berries.
    A lot of vegetables are high in carbohydrates, and so I avoid these because they spike my BGL levels when eaten."

    3. I don't have a need to take any supplements or any diabetic drugs to artificially lower my BGL levels.

    "4. There is a huge amount of information out there about the effects of maintaining a low carb way of eating lifestyle.
    It really feels like there is a quiet revolution currently under way as we speak."
    If you search google, YouTube, Facebook, etc., you'll soon get an idea about this topic,  and it's all mostly in favour of significantly cutting carbs to help control diabetes..
    It may take some time for this WOE to be more widely accepted by the medical profession, but there are already heaps of supporting studies and medical professionals now beginning to embrace this change.

    I've already mentioned "Beat Diabetes" YouTube channel, run by Dennis Pollock, who has also written a couple of books about this, as well as Dr. Jason Fung (search YouTube), Facebook groups (Search Diabetes support), etc.

    Also, you may want to research;



  • 7.  RE: Low carb diet

    Posted 30-05-2020 11:54

    Thanks Greg,

    That has given me a lot to think about and work on


    On 5/30/2020 7:07 AM, Greg via Diabetes Queensland wrote:
    Hi Ian Thanks for your questions. 1. For me, I would say that it's not really a "Diet", but rather a total change in my way of eating. I was...
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    Re: Low carb diet
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    May 30, 2020 7:05 AM
    Hi Ian

    Thanks for your questions.

    1. For me, I would say that it's not really a "Diet", but rather a total change in my way of eating.
    I was diagnosed as diabetic in March last year, and I was then prompted to attend some Diabetes Qld. Seminars.
    At that time, my focus was on cutting out the rubbish foods that I was consuming, and concentrating on lowering my carbs and learning to read food labels, to make better choices."
    I cut a few carbs, and then immediately started to feel a lot better overall and also having much more energy.
    I also began to lose some weight.
    I researched carbs further and found lots of other information and sources on the internet claiming the same thing about carbs causing serious damage to your body, and how diabetics cannot process them very well.
    My research gravitated me towards the Keto diet requirements, but I don't really claim to be aligned to that WOE totally. However, I do like their thinking, and the Keto-approved food lists that they promote."
    So over the next nine months, I lost 30 kg, from 118kg to 88kg, I'm almost at my target weight, and my Hba1c fell from 8.1 to 5.4.
    I'm pretty happy with that, and I've found the low carb foods can be very tasty, filling, and enjoyable. "

    2. I don't place a lot of emphasis on meeting the high fat requirements, but I do eat a lot more "Healthy Fats". In any case, my cholesterol levels have actually improved since cutting the carbs and consuming healthy fats.
    I now don't worry about consuming avocados, full fat diary products (Low fat dairy has more sugar added), lower carb nuts for snacks, and red and white meats.
    I cook with olive and avocado oils.
    "I only consume low carb vegetables, and no root veggies such as potatoes, no wheat products such as breads, and no fruits, except for low carb berries.
    A lot of vegetables are high in carbohydrates, and so I avoid these because they spike my BGL levels when eaten."

    3. I don't have a need to take any supplements or any diabetic drugs to artificially lower my BGL levels.

    "4. There is a huge amount of information out there about the effects of maintaining a low carb way of eating lifestyle.
    It really feels like there is a quiet revolution currently under way as we speak."
    If you search google, YouTube, Facebook, etc., you'll soon get an idea about this topic,?? and it's all mostly in favour of significantly cutting carbs to help control diabetes..
    It may take some time for this WOE to be more widely accepted by the medical profession, but there are already heaps of supporting studies and medical professionals now beginning to embrace this change.

    I've already mentioned "Beat Diabetes" YouTube channel, run by Dennis Pollock, who has also written a couple of books about this, as well as Dr. Jason Fung (search YouTube), Facebook groups (Search Diabetes support), etc.

    Also, you may want to research;


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    Original Message:
    Sent: 5/29/2020 7:38:00 AM
    From: Greg
    Subject: RE: Low carb diet

    Hi Ian

    Thanks for your questions.

    1. For me, I would say that it's not really a "Diet", but rather a total change in my way of eating.
    I was diagnosed as diabetic in March last year, and I was then prompted to attend some Diabetes Qld. Seminars.
    At that time, my focus was on cutting out the rubbish foods that I was consuming, and concentrating on lowering my carbs and learning to read food labels, to make better choices."
    I cut a few carbs, and then immediately started to feel a lot better overall and also having much more energy.
    I also began to lose some weight.
    I researched carbs further and found lots of other information and sources on the internet claiming the same thing about carbs causing serious damage to your body, and how diabetics cannot process them very well.
    My research gravitated me towards the Keto diet requirements, but I don't really claim to be aligned to that WOE totally. However, I do like their thinking, and the Keto-approved food lists that they promote."
    So over the next nine months, I lost 30 kg, from 118kg to 88kg, I'm almost at my target weight, and my Hba1c fell from 8.1 to 5.4.
    I'm pretty happy with that, and I've found the low carb foods can be very tasty, filling, and enjoyable. "

    2. I don't place a lot of emphasis on meeting the high fat requirements, but I do eat a lot more "Healthy Fats". In any case, my cholesterol levels have actually improved since cutting the carbs and consuming healthy fats.
    I now don't worry about consuming avocados, full fat diary products (Low fat dairy has more sugar added), lower carb nuts for snacks, and red and white meats.
    I cook with olive and avocado oils.
    "I only consume low carb vegetables, and no root veggies such as potatoes, no wheat products such as breads, and no fruits, except for low carb berries.
    A lot of vegetables are high in carbohydrates, and so I avoid these because they spike my BGL levels when eaten."

    3. I don't have a need to take any supplements or any diabetic drugs to artificially lower my BGL levels.

    "4. There is a huge amount of information out there about the effects of maintaining a low carb way of eating lifestyle.
    It really feels like there is a quiet revolution currently under way as we speak."
    If you search google, YouTube, Facebook, etc., you'll soon get an idea about this topic,  and it's all mostly in favour of significantly cutting carbs to help control diabetes..
    It may take some time for this WOE to be more widely accepted by the medical profession, but there are already heaps of supporting studies and medical professionals now beginning to embrace this change.

    I've already mentioned "Beat Diabetes" YouTube channel, run by Dennis Pollock, who has also written a couple of books about this, as well as Dr. Jason Fung (search YouTube), Facebook groups (Search Diabetes support), etc.

    Also, you may want to research;



  • 8.  RE: Low carb diet

    Posted 31-05-2020 06:30

    Hi Greg
    Great information, thank you. 

    In my haste last time I said "well said Ian" when I was talking to you. You explain things very well.
    i appreciate the links you've put up too. 



  • 9.  RE: Low carb diet

    Posted 30-05-2020 11:55

    Well said Ian. I don't consider it a "diet" either. It's just a way of eating that is good for me rather than a prescribed keto or LCHF diet. I eat enough fat to keep me full for longer, but I don't have vast amounts, eg a small piece of cheese with my chicken salad and  I enjoy healthy fats like avocado. And if I eat anything different I test afterwards. I'm drinking more water and am more conscious of exercising more too. And I feel good.
    It's a learning curve that's for sure. There's a lot of information out there, but the real life experiences of this crowd is great to hear.
    Thank you to you all for sharing!


  • 10.  RE: Low carb diet

    Posted 31-05-2020 06:30
    Hi Greg,
    Reading your posts I had to check I had not written it myself!  I have a very similar experience.  I eat very low carb, chicken, fish or pork if I do eat meat.  I use soy milk and enjoy yoghurt with nuts and seeds or berries.  No root veg or cereals. I  was diagnosed 5 years ago with a BGL of 23 and hospitalised. I was 107 kilo  and very ill.  Adopting my new lifestyle has seen me drop to 76 kilo and an A1C of 5.8.  I am quite active and enjoying life. I take no medication for diabetes.  I find the difference terrific and I enjoy this lifestyle.  74 not out and batting strongly.  Congrats to you on your efforts.



  • 11.  RE: Low carb diet

    Posted 31-05-2020 09:46
    Hi Rick,

    Thanks for your comments, and well done to you, for your own achievements. Great to hear!

