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  • 1.  Blinded by Sugar video link

    Posted 12-08-2020 14:39
    Hi All,

    Please see below the link to the Blinded by sugar webinar. 

    Blinded by Sugar Webinar

    The opinions expressed in Dr Muecke's 'Blinded by sugar' webinar, do not necessarily reflect the views of Diabetes Queensland. If this has raised any questions for you, please contact your GP, Diabetes Educator or Nutritionist or Dietitian. 

    Live Your Life Community Team
    Natasha and Erin

  • 2.  RE: Blinded by Sugar video link

    Posted 14-08-2020 18:36
    Thank you for providing the video link to Dr. Muecke's video, "Blinded by Sugar".

    However, you really spoil the mood with your totally disrespectful disclaimer "the opinions expressed in Dr Muecke's 'Blinded by sugar' webinar, do not necessarily reflect the views of Diabetes Queensland. If this has raised any questions for you, please contact your GP, Diabetes Educator or Nutritionist or Dietitian. "

    Dr. Muecke is a respected Medical Professional trying to make a difference to the thousands of Australians who suffer, or will suffer from the horrible health effects of  a diabetes condition .

    This is why he has been appointed AUSTRALIAN OF THE YEAR!!!!

    What part of that don't you understand?



  • 3.  RE: Blinded by Sugar video link

    Posted 15-08-2020 01:14

    I was also rather taken aback by the disclaimer that "the opinions expressed in Dr Muecke's 'Blinded by sugar' webinar, do not necessarily reflect the views of Diabetes Queensland. If this has raised any questions for you, please contact your GP, Diabetes Educator or Nutritionist or Dietitian. " 
    I don't understand how Dr Muecke's speech could be heard in anything but a positive way for the Diabetic Association, doctors or those living with Diabetes Type 2 in Australia. There have been many reputable studies worldwide that validate  Dr Muerke's opinions.
    This is valid and up to date research by medical professionals, yet it seems to fall on deaf ears in Australia despite the evidence that it is possible to reverse this disease. It is not a cure it should be noted, but a reversal to normal BGL's.
    My own GP gave me information about this research when I was diagnosed, and has been fully supportive of my efforts to keep my BGL's and other blood tests in a normal range with a low carb diet and now intermittent fasting. And it's working well.
    I am extremely happy that Dr Muecke is using his platform as Australian of the Year 2020 to raise awareness of this disease and it's treatment and will follow his website with interest.

    Kerry G

    Kerry G

  • 4.  RE: Blinded by Sugar video link

    Posted 16-08-2020 11:40
    I did not find the disclaimer re the "blinded by sugar" debate disrespectful.    Just because the disclaimer was published does not mean that Diabetes Queensland did not agree with the great doctor.

    Disclaimers in this context are merely a means of covering an organisation of any liability that may occur as a result of whatever opinions are published - just as an auditor of accounting always has a similar disclaimer of the books that are being audited.

    It is standard practice


  • 5.  RE: Blinded by Sugar video link

    Posted 16-08-2020 12:02

    Agreed - Dr Muecke is a great doctor and deserves only respect and accolades for the work he has done.



  • 6.  RE: Blinded by Sugar video link

    Posted 15-08-2020 07:31

    I find this post totally 'disrespectful'.

    The statement that "do not necessarily represent the views of Diabetes QLD" seems reasonable. The advice given by the organization seems to reflect the current medical facts published by the Joslin Diabetic Center, The American Diabetic Association, the European Association for the Study of Diabetes as well as other Australian bodies. Their guidelines are based on research that have been peer reviewed and graded for reliability. Most bodies or organizations appear to do this.

    We are all entitled to opinions - but facts don't change. Or more correctly facts change after due research, evaluation and review.



  • 7.  RE: Blinded by Sugar video link

    Posted 15-08-2020 16:32
    Hi Steven,
    If you found my post disrespectful, and if my comments offended you or anyone else in this forum, I am sincerely sorry for that.
    When my comments were posted yesterday, "I" was the one that felt Extremely Offended, by the disclaimer posted by Diabetes Queensland.
    Under the circumstances, and along with other forum members, I felt the disclaimer was not necessary.
    And I also felt that if I were recognised as Australian of the Year, I would also find the disclaimer an Offensive Statement specifically about my presentation to the very people I was trying to help, and who were also likely to be viewing it for the first time.
    I received only 19 hours notice of the scheduled time of Dr. Muecke's presentation to be mid morning on the next Working Day.
    There was very limited Question Time allowed by DQ, and hardly Any of the questions submitted by viewers attending the webinar, were actually conveyed to Dr. Muecke to address at the time.
    With regards to Facts, Research, Evaluation and Review, please be aware that we live in modern times, and most people with standard access to internet resources can formulate their own views and Opinions.
    The analogy posted recently on this forum, would be a good example to refer to.
    100 years ago, it was deemed safe and Totally Socially Acceptable to smoke tobacco. How would most people in our  society think about this now?
    How did those views change?
    50 years ago, the Standard American Diet (SAD), Standard Australian Diet (also SAD) and others around the world, were developed, through Facts, Research, Evaluation and Review. 
    How good has that effort been?
    We now have a Diabetic Pandemic prevalent all around the world, and getting Worst every day, Directly related to these SAD diets. Dr. Muecke has highlighted this, and has stated that it needs to be Researched, Evaluated and Reviewed in light of current known scientific knowledge about the foods presented to us to consume.
    Thankfully, the new CEO of The American Diabetes Association, is now actually a Diabetic, and is actively advocating a Low Carbohydrate way of eating for the future revision of their Standard American Diet.
    We now also have the Sugar industry being supported by Big Food Manufacturers, Big Food Retailers &  Big Pharmaceutical corporations, and I can assure you, the Sugar Farmers are NOT reaping or sharing in the Trillions of dollars being made at the expense of World Population Health.
    Fact: My Mother, Father, 2x Sisters and a Brother, have all died before their time, from Diabetes related illness's in recent years.
    Each one of them dutifully followed their doctor's advice about diet and medications.
    That advice was deemed to be FACT, RESEARCHED, EVALUATED, and REVIEWED, at the time.
    Does everyone see a pattern developing here?
    In 50 years time……what will the world population know and think about the effects of Sugar and Carbohydrates in our diets over the past 50 years?
    I also developed Diabetes 18 months ago, but I have done what every Diabetic Person around the world should do right now (if they can) to effectively control it as soon as possible. (and I have!)
    Everyone should do THEIR OWN Critical Fact Finding, Research, Evaluation and Review of their own Diet and Medication situation, and if in doubt in any way whatsoever, they should ACT on it immediately, to Save Their Life. (with the support of their Medical Professional Team, of course.)
    Food for Thought, so to speak.


  • 8.  RE: Blinded by Sugar video link

    Posted 15-08-2020 19:30
    Hi All,

    I agree with Steven that the facts speak for themselves.
    And those facts have been succinctly summarised by Greg.  As he says,  our health depts decided 50 years ago that fats were the enemy, and everyone increased their intake of Carbs to compensate for the dietary inadequacy that followed. The sugar industry introduced their own "study" to show that sugar was pretty much good for you. And if any dieticians or nutritionists refuted that then their voices were never heard. So, America's Dept of Health loudly supported unsubstantiated "research" by Dr Keys and the whole world is fatter and sicker than ever before. Heart disease, cancer, diabetes and Alzheimer's disease have increased exponentially. There are more low fat products in the supermarkets than ever before, and the number of gyms has exploded in that time. All the easy prepare foods that manufacturers churned out are full of carbs and sugar. Some of them have better heart ticks than milk.  Work that out!
    You don't need a study to observe that the diet we were told to follow was wrong. But let me assure you that Professor Roy Taylor in Scotland, Dr Michael Moseley in England, Dr R Bernstein in America, Dr Jason Fung in Canada, and dozens of other very highly qualified medical professionals have confirmed just that. With peer reviewed studies. By professionals.
    The people who give us our guidelines can get it wrong.
    I was embarrassed by that disclaimer about the Webinar. I felt it was a gross insult to Dr Muecke and I hope he never reads it.

    My GP sent me to a dietician. She gave me all the information about the diet I should follow, including low fat foods and plenty of carbs. Rice, pasta, lentils, grains etc. I told her that these foods spiked my blood sugar even in small amounts so I was not prepared to eat them. I mentioned a low carb diet that my doctor had spoken about. Did she give me good reasons why I should include these things in my diet? Did she tell me that I should experiment and find foods in this group that didn't affect my BGL?  Did she discuss her experience and studies to refute my claims? No.
    She told me that if she gave me advice like that she would lose her accreditation.  I won't be going back. 
    I cut back on sugar, did more exercise. But slowly my BGL's increased. Still well inside the Diabetes Qld guidelines but higher than "normal".  I started to read...

    At Uni they teach you to teach yourself. Be curious. Open your eyes and ears. Think outside the square. Don't accept things at face value. Research. Find. 
    Well I did. After all, why should I believe what I read?  I also looked at my own parents and grandparents. They ate lots of meat, butter, full fat milk, vegetables. Dessert was a rarity. They ate an apple maybe. They all lived to be in their 90s or more, except for the diabetics in my father's family. They died early, following the guidelines set out for them.  My father was an exception there, having lived a very frugal life until his later years when his diabetes was not well controlled. He lived to be 91. 
    So I used the information I gathered and tried it on myself. Low carb diet first. That helped. Low calorie 5:2 diet. That was brilliant, but with all the stress in my life I didn't think it was sustainable. Fasting? Hmm, I didn't think I could do that. Until I heard Dr Fung.
    intermittent fasting has been great. So easy to do. I'm rarely hungry. In my 8 hour window I still stick to a lower carb diet with plenty of healthy fats.  It works really well for me, and all my blood tests show my A1c, cholesterol, fasting glucose etc are down. Everything else is normal. My optometrist has said there is no evidence at all of any damage. My podiatrist said everything is great. My eGFR (kidney function) is normal, liver function is normal. I'm feeling good. 

    I'm only telling you all this because I want you all to look for yourself.  And I would like the professionals to acknowledge this new research, even if they say they don't know enough about it yet. Encourage us to be well if we can. 

    Just remember that the word "diet" comes from the Greek diaita, which originally meant a way of life, a balance between eating, working, movement and relaxing. Find your balance.

    Kerry G


  • 9.  RE: Blinded by Sugar video link

    Posted 16-08-2020 01:49
    A perfectly standard and necessary legal disclaimer. In its absence DQ would be legally responsible for any harm suffered by any person following advice gained from the seminar, whether or not that advice was correctly interpreted.
    When I visit my Superannuation fund's website to seek information I am ALWAYS advised that any information gleaned there is of a general nature and to seek further advice relevant to my particular circumstances before acting. This disclaimer is no different.
    Greg, you may think you know all about Diabetes. You clearly know very little about Law.


  • 10.  RE: Blinded by Sugar video link

    Posted 16-08-2020 06:08
    Hi Paul,
    thanks for clarifying those points.
