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  • 1.  My bad experience with my GP and a Specialist

    Posted 17-09-2021 14:40


     This has been my experience: In a word, terrible/disgraceful. 

     I initially went to see him because I had several date palm spikes in my right hand after pruning the Palm and could not remove them myself.

     He didn't believe me! He is the type to always try to over complicate things, always looking for a more technical issues where none exist (ego).

     He stated emphatically that I did not have these spikes in my right hand and furthermore said there was no point in an x-ray because they wouldn't show up anyway.

     I was gob smacked/shocked and a bit mystified as to why he would do this. I knew I had accidentally stabbed my hand with the Date Palm whilst pruning and could easily point out the swollen lumps.

     He disagreed and decided I needed to go to a specialist for RA!

     Sadly for me I went along to the appointment to be told: yes you have RA (confirmation biases at work there) and he prescribed four different medications. One steroidal. I ask what the hell for? I have spikes in my right hand and that was all.

     Against my better judgement I started taking the medication just in case but very quickly started to feel really un-well.

     Having suffered medically induced hepatitis once before, I was fearful that this was where I was heading again, and I was later proved to be correct.

     At the initial diagnosis an appointment was also made for me with the local public hospital specialist. I didn't think I would hear from them for a year, but an unexpected call secured me an appointment with the other specialist just after I had ceased all medication.

     This Public Hospital Specialist examined me and most importantly listened to me. He totally disagreed with my Dr's diagnosis and the private specialist. I do not have RA.

     Around the same time I received two frantic phone calls within an hour of each other, one from my Dr. the other form the private specialist.

     Both ordered me to stop taking all medication immediately. I had the pleasure of informing both that I had done so three days prior.

     I did ask the private specialist why? He said they had just been informed by the TGA that one of the prescribed drugs had been killing people in the US.

     I later discovered that this knowledge had been in their hands for years, they simply forgot and were lying.

     This was very alarming and I was very upset, but I knew a retired Pharmacist and asked him about the four drugs. His words were:  these  can help if you actually have RA but the side effects can be horrendous for some patients and are known to be highly toxic but if you don't have RA, why on earth are you taking these?

     Armed with this information I went back to see my GP to see what the hell was he doing to me. He became very annoyed. How dare I challenge his knowledge and expertise, was his attitude. 

     So to avoid a legal problem for himself (and to cover his arse). He  gave me the pathology paper work to have a full blood test on everything.

     When he received the results he was quite annoyed and quickly organised another meeting.

     At that meeting he told me I had hit the jackpot , a trifecta, if you like!,  Firstly he said I have medically induced Hepatitis, then he said I have an abnormal Thyroid reading. Lastly and the final blow for me was him quite contritely telling me I am now a T2 Diabetic!

     I asked how the hell could all this happen after taking these RA drugs, when all I originally wanted was him to look at my right had to see what could be done about the Date Palm spikes that were and still are in my right hand?  

     He said it was all just a coincidence.

     Do I trust GP's? not on my life, they have had two goes at ending it.

    I control my BGL's with a diet plan and exercise. My BMI is spot on for my height, my blood pressure is perfect.

     I have put together, from Diabetes Australia information (Many thanks) a diet that is suitable. I do not take medication as I remain in the middle of the recommended ranges.

     I have no faith, and no trust at all in GP's.



  • 2.  RE: My bad experience with my GP and a Specialist

    Posted 18-09-2021 12:22
    Wow Robert, what a pile up of stupid errors that could have been disastrous. I am so grateful that my GP has a totally different attitude..


  • 3.  RE: My bad experience with my GP and a Specialist

    Posted 20-09-2021 12:15
    Hi Robert,
    I have full empathy for you. My GP is fantastic, he was concerned that my DI medication had been recalled and I had nothing to replace it. He sent three emails to my Endocrinologist and tried ringing several times. When he finally got through he was told the doctor no longer worked there and was given two phone numbers to try and get me a consultation with another Endocrinologist.  They were both booked out for six months ! He finally got me a cancellation and it was the best thing to have happened. My new Endocrinologist has been wonderful, I no longer have DI - how long ago that changed and I'd still been taking the medication for it is an unknown . I have been taking one drug for thirty years with no alteration in dosage, religiously having six monthly check ups. I have been told it is double the normal dose, when he tried lowering it I ended up in hospital for a fortnight with an adrenal crisis. He found I was on the wrong dose of a DM medication, it should have been once a day but I had been put on it three times a day !  I am back to trying to lower my cortisone but at a much slower rate this time. This has left me being my own advocate and I research everything I am told and then some. I have felt awful for the last fortnight but I think it is withdrawal symptoms from reducing the cortisone as today I'm feeling much better. 
    I hope you can find a GP and Endocrinologist that suit you and listen to you.


  • 4.  RE: My bad experience with my GP and a Specialist

    Posted 21-09-2021 07:07
    While I sympathise with your problems, it is grossly unfair to tar all GPs with the same brush because of them.

    Paul D

  • 5.  RE: My bad experience with my GP and a Specialist

    Posted 22-09-2021 10:06
    Paul suggests we shouldn't tar all GP's with the one brush. I move around a lot and have yet met a GP who has been helpful. Been told that diabetes is a progressive disease with no halting, only delay. Never been referred to any source of help or even given time to discuss matters. Last count, 5 GP's and little more than dispensation of medication.

    Good on those who have a supporting GP/team. I am still looking


  • 6.  RE: My bad experience with my GP and a Specialist

    Posted 22-09-2021 10:14
    Hi Richard,

    Next time you go to your GP ,for any reason, request a referral to an Endocrinologist ,of your choice, and stick to your ground. Do your research and find an Endocrinologist that will be able to see you within a reasonable time frame .  Ring the Endocrinologist rooms to see if they are accepting new patients. 

    Hope you find someone soon that is more caring.


  • 7.  RE: My bad experience with my GP and a Specialist

    Posted 22-09-2021 10:23
    Thanks Ursula. Unfortunately, I have to travel 300 km to see a specialist of any sort. Very hard to make a selection when you have no choice.
    How often do you need to see an endocrinologist?


  • 8.  RE: My bad experience with my GP and a Specialist

    Posted 22-09-2021 14:11
    There's no hard and fast rule. In the normal course of events my endo orders blood tests every three months and sees me every six months, alternating with my GP , but if something unusual is going on (ie we're contemplating a change of medication) she'll see me every three months.

    Paul D

  • 9.  RE: My bad experience with my GP and a Specialist

    Posted 23-09-2021 10:49
    I have been a Type 2 for over thirty rears and have always relied ion the advice of my who have been good.  I actually saw an endocronologist about 4 years ago. He gave me a once over medical check, asked what I eat and saw my record book of  blood test readings. His advice was to keep doing what I have been doing. Then I asked when he wanted to see me again, his reply was, "when you have problems" I haven't been back and rely on my GP's advice.


  • 10.  RE: My bad experience with my GP and a Specialist

    Posted 23-09-2021 17:26
    Edited by Paul 23-09-2021 17:26
    Brian, your experiences (and Robert's)  highlight the fact that there are very good, good and not so good endocrinologists, just as there are very good, good and not so good GPs,, and (as I commented earlier) it is unwise to assume general ability on the strength of one or a few experiences Even within a specialist field like endo there are sub-specialties or areas of interest.
    My endo is a senior lecturer in the faculty of Medicine at the University of Queensland. I consider myself extremely fortunate to have been immediately referred to her by my GP on first diagnosis 17 years ago.

    Paul D

  • 11.  RE: My bad experience with my GP and a Specialist

    Posted 24-09-2021 07:38

    I was diagnosed in the year 2000, the first person I was refired to was a nurse/diabetic educator, she told me to eat low GI food, when I asked what did GI mean, she said she did not know. When I moved to the current address I went to the local GP who sent me to a local nurse/diabetic educator, she was excellent, not so the local GP who wanted to send me to another nurse/diabetic educator. Why? I changed GPs.
