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  • 1.  Achieving Remission From T2 Diabetes………

    Posted 14-09-2021 10:18
    Edited by Greg 15-09-2021 08:38
    Is anyone progressing towards putting their T2 Diabetes into Remission?

    It's been more than 2 years now, since I officially Kicked my own T2 Diabetes Diagnosis Into Remission, losing 30kg along the way, and maintaining my Hba1c levels in the low fives - Without the need for any Diabetic Medications

    My initial diagnosing doctor didn't show me any compassion or provide me with any helpful information during our brief consultation.
    But he did stress with me that my Diabetes was a very Serious Progressive disease and that over time, I would need increased medications and then insulin injections, and that eventually I may develop further complications, and then, that would be it.
    I was left feeling confused, sad and angry with myself about my diagnosis and what the future held for me.

    Diabetes is rampant in my family, having lost parents and older siblings in recent times through their own Diabetic complications.
    I did not want to experience any of that.

    I decided to find another GP.

    At the same time, I googled the internet to find out more about Diabetes.

    What I found, almost immediately, was absolutely incredible and somewhat surprising at the time.

    In total contrast to my initial doctor's insistence that my Diabetes was a Progressive disease, I found lots of information that suggested that millions of people worldwide, were currently Reversing their T2 Diabetes conditions into Remission, losing weight, reducing or coming off all their prescribed medications, sometimes as early as 3 months.

    I discovered that most T2 Diabetics had developed insulin resistance over their lifetime, and then became intolerant to Carbohydrates in their diet, which turn to Sugar when consumed.

    The solution to improve this situation, was to Simply Reduce Carbohydrate Consumption and modify my diet to ensure improved and continued metabolic health.

    It sounded very logical to me, and so I did just that.

    In the beginning, I eliminated all Sugar, Wheat Flour products, All Breads, All Rice, All Pasta, and high Fructose Sugar found in most Fruits and Juices, and All Beer.

    As our Beloved Premier would say and do....... and as I did too...... Go Hard & Fast - I Totally Eliminated these food types from my diet from Day 1, and found tasty  alternatives from low carb cooking sites on the internet and YouTube.

    - But if you try this, you will need to consult your GP if you are on any artificial BGL lowering medications.

    The rest is history. Within six months, my Hba1c reduced from 8.1 to 5.3, lost 30 kg and never felt better. (with no Diabetic Medications Needed)

    Google it.

    CSIRO Total Wellbeing Diet

    In Australia, the CSIRO have developed their Total Wellbeing Diet, which has seen most participants improve their metabolic health and diabetic condition.

    There are Facebook support groups and pages that support the CSIRO TWD, and well as the Low Carb way of eating.

    Defeat Diabetes

    has been going for just a short time, but reports amazing results, with 100% of participants reporting an improvement in their Diabetic condition, with some into Remission and off medications already.

    So my message to everyone is this;
    If you are not happy with your progress towards IMPROVING your current Diabetic condition - There IS something you can do right now!

    Once you start to look for information on the internet about the current recognised and accepted treatment of T2 Diabetes around the world, you will increase your knowledge and understanding - You won't look back!

    Try searching for;
    Beat Diabetes
    Low Carbohydrate Foods
    Ditch the Carbs
    Australian of the year 2020 - Dr James Muecke
    Direct Trial (directclinicaltrial.org.uk)

    Best Wishes & Cheers,


  • 2.  RE: Achieving Remission From T2 Diabetes………

    Posted 15-09-2021 06:53
    Thank you Greg for this testimonial. The information is fantastic! I had not seen the link to Defeat Diabetes before.
    I admire your courage in cutting out ALL those foods. I have cut down but not cut out all carbohydrates. But my Hba1c has been around 5.7. I check BSL after 2 hours when l have a "treat" like a small amount of mashed potatoes or  a small pasta meal. I found that the Ricotta and spinach Cappellacci pasta cooked al dente is not a problem. Also their 85% lower carb bread with 5g carbohydrate per serve is another success. I can keep my  BSL under 8 most of the time. 
    Thanks again for this informative and positive article

    Anne Marie 

  • 3.  RE: Achieving Remission From T2 Diabetes………

    Posted 15-09-2021 08:50
    Thanks Anne Marie,

    I managed to find substitutes for all of those foods that were initially cut from my diet, although I can now afford to have an enjoyable treat now and then as well.



  • 4.  RE: Achieving Remission From T2 Diabetes………

    Posted 15-09-2021 08:26
    Thanks for your post Greg
    Defeat Diabetes.com.au looks like a really interesting and informative site.
    Steven B.


  • 5.  RE: Achieving Remission From T2 Diabetes………

    Posted 15-09-2021 08:41
    Sorry Steven,

    the link should be ;



  • 6.  RE: Achieving Remission From T2 Diabetes………

    Posted 15-09-2021 12:04
    Hi Greg,

    I was very interested in your comment about having Type 2 in your family.  Congratulations by the way on achieving such amazing results in your remission, I'm sure a lot of people will be inspired by what you have achieved, and will no doubt look into this for themselves.  I also have Type 2 in my family and when I was diagnosed with this condition I was only 55 at the time, and about 65kg (my height 161cm) so I wasn't really that overweight and I was fairly active, but I had a very stressful job and that's what I believe triggered my diabetes.  I also looked into a low carb diet and read various books and articles about reversing my diabetes, but I always found low carb diets caused me to feel very lethargic and I just didn't feel well while trying to eat this way.  I spoke to my specialist about this and he said that because I had diabetes in  my family I would not be able to reverse it as it was genetic.  So, I now weight 54kg, I walk 10,000+ steps a day and try to eat sensibly, but over the last few years my condition has just become too hard to control with medication, and I've recently had to go onto insulin, I'm now taking it 3 times a day, I'm not really happy about this, (to say  the least!) but I'm trying to come to terms with it, and if it controls my blood sugar then so be it.  I guess what I'm trying to say is that not everyone can reverse their diabetes, no matter how hard they try, but if we can keep it under control with medication, healthy diet and exercise, then that's really all we can do. Congratulation again, and good luck with your future goals!

  • 7.  RE: Achieving Remission From T2 Diabetes………

    Posted 16-09-2021 07:59
    Hi Dorothy,

    Your position was very similar to myself, I wasn’t overweight quite active, never put on weight and was diagnosed with type 2, although I had no diabetes in my family, I had family auto immune. After about 6 years I progressed to insulin. My specialist tested me for LADA, Latent Autoimmune Diabetics Adults. It’s is more a Type 1. The test took about a month to come back. There is an excellent article in this months circle. It is worth the effort as you won’t beat yourself up trying to go into remission.

    Regards Joan

    Sent from my iPad

  • 8.  RE: Achieving Remission From T2 Diabetes………

    Posted 16-09-2021 09:12
    Edited by Greg 16-09-2021 09:19
    Hi Dorothy,

    Thank you for your kind words about my forum post.

    I do hope that my story inspires you and others, informing everyone that there could be real alternatives available to them, to improve their Diabetes condition.

    Yes, my entire family have certainly copped it sweet with our inherited diabetic genes.
    But, I have just proved Beyond Any Doubt (and against popular medical advice), that regardless of family medical history, one CAN kick T2D out the door!"
    And I'm definitely Not the only one doing this in recent times.

    Switching to a Lower Carb lifestyle has provided me with Far More Benefits than just reducing my Hba1c levels to non diabetic levels, and some healthy weight loss.

    At the time of my T2D diagnosis, I was suffering from arthritic knee pain, and struggled to get to the letterbox and back. - Within weeks of cutting out Bread, Pasta, Potatoes, etc., the knee pain completely disappeared by itself, and I now walk around 8km, 2-3 days a week.

    My elevated blood pressure returned to normal levels, and my six monthly Cardiologist appointments were extended to 12 month check-ups, with no obvious issues of concern.

    Last year I had a full blood test, and when received, I meticulously ticked off each reading from my prior year test result. - Every indicator had improved significantly, particularly my cholesterol. scores.
    My current doctor commented that "they are a great set of numbers, well done, keep doing whatever you do".

    If I was starting my diabetes remission journey today, I would definitely sign up for either the CSIRO Total Wellbeing Diet Program, or the Defeat Diabetes.com.au group, which also provide doctor and dietician led supervision and support to their members.

    If I wanted a more personalised medical provider because I had other health issues or concerns, I would probably approach one of the Doctors or Dieticians listed on the Low Carb Down under website.
    They have Doctors and Dieticians registered in every Australian state and major city, who could positively assist you to achieve improvements towards Diabetes Remission in a controlled low carb lifestyle manner.

    When I began to improve my Hba1c levels two years ago, I was totally inspired by Dennis Pollock, who is a church pastor in Texas, and who also runs the Beat Diabetes You Tube channel.

    Dennis has written three books about practical tips for lowering your blood sugar levels, and I have read two of them so far. They are really good, and only a couple of dollars each.
    They are available electronically through his You Tube site, or iTunes store.

    He regularly produces two 15 minute videos every week, which are incredibly inspiring, with lots of case studies, interviews and cooking tips to help everyone understand all things Diabetes Control.

    I find that the most Inspiring part of Dennis's videos, is reading through the Comments section sent in by hundreds of appreciative people who have benefited from his earlier topics and presentations.
    Literally hundreds of descriptions of  improvement and Remission from their diabetic conditions.

    This is Really Good Stuff to help lift one's feelings about our condition.
    7 Reasons Why So Many Reverse Their Diabetes Watching This Channel

    Dennis also taught me how to use my Blood Glucose meter Correctly.

    Because we are all a little different, we should test ourselves before, and one or two hours after consuming every different meal type.
    We can then easily determine and record which foods Spike our blood sugar levels to unhealthy levels.

    Then, by simply acknowledging the harmful effect that this food has on your "own" body, you can simply, Totally BAN consuming this food type again in the future.

    Over time, you will have successfully recorded and excluded all those foods that are keeping your Hba1c blood sugar levels too high, regardless of who tells you that this food is good for you.
    It will be very obvious that this BGL Spiking food is Definitely Not good for you.
    The Blood Glucose Meter does not Lie to you!

    If you have to eliminate one of your favorite foods, I can assure you that here are plenty of other healthier alternatives out there.
    I enjoy seeking out new recipes and I have to say, I really enjoy my new healthier menu much more than the old.

    My regular go-to cooking and information sites include, Ditch the Carbs (Preferred), Cooking with Jennifer, Head Bangers Kitchen, and all things low carb or Keto

    Good luck and Best wishes,
