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Metabolical: The Lure and the Lies of Processed Food, Nutrition, and Modern Medicine - Dr. Robert H. Lustig

  • 1.  Metabolical: The Lure and the Lies of Processed Food, Nutrition, and Modern Medicine - Dr. Robert H. Lustig

    Posted 14-02-2022 22:34
    Hello everyone,

    I've just finished reading this very informative book by Dr. Robert Lustig, Medical Scientist.

    Dr. Robert H. Lustig M.D., M.S.L., Professor Emeritus of Pediatrics, Division of Endocrinology, University of California, San Francisco; Author, Metabolical

    """Food processing isn't listed on the nutrition facts food label.
    The label tells you what's in the food.
    Critics say this is mostly irrelevant-what you really need to know is what's been done to the food, and no label tells you that.
    In this book, Dr. Robert Lustig will explain nutrition and food science.
    He says that essentially, all you need to know are two precepts, six words total:
    1) protect the liver,
    2) feed the gut.
    Those foods that satisfy both precepts he deems to be healthy;
    Those that do neither are poison,
    And those that do one or the other are bad (but less bad)
    -no matter what the USDA and FDA allow to be stated on the package.
    Only items that meet both of Lustig's criteria qualify as real food
    -i.e., that hasn't been stripped of its beneficial properties and sprinkled with toxins that will hasten our demise."""

    There are over a thousand references listed on his website, to support the scientific findings explained in this book.
    Metabolical | Robert Lustig Website

    It's a tough read, but very enlightening.
    There's a lot of medical terminology, but Dr Lustig has provided an extensive glossary to assist the reader.

    The attached interview with Dr. Lustig is conducted by Patty James, from the Commonwealth Club of California, and covers the main aspects of his book.

    "As a side-note...... Dr Lustig discusses the evolution of the ALT Liver function blood test marker (an annual test for a lot of us living with T2D) in the early part of his interview.
    I am very happy to report that after the first year of embarking on my own low carbohydrate way of eating regime, my ALT score has reduced from an elevated 30 (Fatty Liver level), to a respectable 23. I'm due for another test soon, and so I expect this score to reduce further. Happy days!!"

    I hope you find this interview as informative as I did.

    Dr. Lustig has written several earlier, and Notable books, and so there are many YouTube video presentations and interviews available, if you wish to seek them out.

    Climate Change - The Cows are not the problem - It's what we did to the cows!


    Metabolical: The Lure and the Lies of Processed Food, Nutrition, and Modern Medicine.
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    Metabolical: The Lure and the Lies of Processed Food, Nutrition, and Modern Medicine.
    Food processing isn't listed on the nutrition facts food label. The label tells you what's in the food. Critics say this is mostly irrelevant-what you really...
    View this on YouTube >

    Metabolical | Robert Lustig Website
