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65+ Foods with Low Carbs for Diabetics

  • 1.  65+ Foods with Low Carbs for Diabetics

    Posted 27-09-2022 18:00
    I was reading this today. I am sure most of us know all this but the summery at the end is helpful like the tables Greg downloaded for us.

  • 2.  RE: 65+ Foods with Low Carbs for Diabetics

    Posted 04-10-2022 18:11
    Why does Diabeties Ausyralia magazine continue to publish recipes that are high in sugar, dried fruit and wheat flour. They are three of the dangerous foods for diabetics. 
    It's beyond me why they do it.


  • 3.  RE: 65+ Foods with Low Carbs for Diabetics

    Posted 04-10-2022 19:33
    Tbe CSIRO has published  low carb recipe books specific for diabetics, with lots of very comprehensive information.
    The one I have  is: CSIRO Low-carb diabetes every day.

    Sent from my Galaxy

  • 4.  RE: 65+ Foods with Low Carbs for Diabetics

    Posted 05-10-2022 00:34
    Have you all seen the article from the GI Foundation that carbohydrates are not the enemy? Unbelievable! 
    Anne Marie 

  • 5.  RE: 65+ Foods with Low Carbs for Diabetics

    Posted 09-10-2022 15:12
    Hi Anne Marie
    Please don't dismiss it out of hand, because it all  all depends on things like - where you are with your diabetes, what type of carbs you eat, what you eat them with, how much you eat, when and how much you exercise etc.
    I have been a diabetic for 20+ years and I do not function really well without carbs - I have been using G.I. during that time, in conjunction with a largely Mediterranean way of eating. This works fine for me. I guess we are all different and have different nutritional needs and G.I. has solid scientific research and evidence to back it up. 
    Sure, its not the be all and end all- just one of the many tools available to manage Diabetes 2.


  • 6.  RE: 65+ Foods with Low Carbs for Diabetics

    Posted 05-10-2022 14:00
    I agree, but then I asked that question directly years ago. Hopefully we will get an answer and some action now.


  • 7.  RE: 65+ Foods with Low Carbs for Diabetics

    Posted 06-10-2022 05:45

    Recently in Circle, there was a recipe for Corn Fritters - or similar. I took some time to rewrite that dish into something I would actually eat. If everyone's eating habits were taken into account, it would be just and greatly welcomed.

  • 8.  RE: 65+ Foods with Low Carbs for Diabetics

    Posted 05-10-2022 18:02
    Hi Adrienne, and everyone,

    I think most members of this forum, along with all Australian citizens with vested interests, would love Diabetes Australia to explain to us, why is there an obvious and growing disparity between the widely accepted, beneficial and logical way of eating as promoted by our respected researchers at the CSIRO, being designed specifically for people living with diabetes, and the somewhat opposing views of dietitians who currently represent our national advocate.

    The conflicting messages are a bit confusing.

    I would also like to see Diabetes Australia announce (for the benefit of all people living with diabetes) a strategic merger or relationship with Defeat Diabetes Australia?

    That would be great!



  • 9.  RE: 65+ Foods with Low Carbs for Diabetics

    Posted 06-10-2022 08:58
    1. I totally agree with you Greg.
    2. People should look at Defeat Diabeties and also if able Google " Low carb down under"  if unable to search perhaps a family member or carer could assist. So much information that can enlighten and enhance  every day living and health. Information can be backed by documented research. 
    3. Remember people, almost nothing white is right. Eg wheat flour, corn flour, rice flour, pasta, rice, breads, buns etc. Think of Diabeties as being intolerant to carbs.


  • 10.  RE: 65+ Foods with Low Carbs for Diabetics

    Posted 10-10-2022 16:04
    Edited by Diabetes Australia 10-10-2022 21:07

    It is great to see our members sharing newer techniques and ideas for managing diabetes that challenge the status quo.  However just a reminder please do not endorse or promote alternative treatments, therapies or "cures" that may encourage others to change their treatment regime as this can be very dangerous.

    Whilst we encourage you to post links to websites and videos, if the suggested treatment challenges what is widely accepted in Australia, please provide scientific evidence from reputable qualified health sources.

    We also like to remind everyone that treatment plans that work for some, will not work for others. It is important to do your own research and talk to your GP or diabetes healthcare team before making any changes to your diabetes management.

    For those who may not have seen it, below is a link for Diabetes Australia's position statement on low carb eating:


    As always if posting in the forum please be mindful of the below 

    One diet does not fit all: Diabetes Australia urges Australians to discuss individual diets and aim to have individualised, tailored advice provided by multidisciplinary, healthcare teams.


    Community Team
    Natasha, Erin and Ange

  • 11.  RE: 65+ Foods with Low Carbs for Diabetics

    Posted 10-10-2022 17:37
    Thank you for your email and advice. The link does NOT work

    Anne Marie

  • 12.  RE: 65+ Foods with Low Carbs for Diabetics

    Posted 11-10-2022 09:18
      |   view attached
    Hi Anne Marie and all,

    Sorry the link didn't work for you Anne Marie, I have just tested it and it worked. You could try copying the whole URL in the above post and pasting it into your internet browser or try the document that I have attached to this reply, hopefully that works for you and anyone else having trouble with the link.

    Thank you for your replies to our message.

    Steven great idea -  I will have a chat to the other ladies and see what they think about having different forums, maybe even just starting with one extra one on Low Carb.

    Have a great day all, Ange.

    Community Team
    Natasha, Erin and Ange

  • 13.  RE: 65+ Foods with Low Carbs for Diabetics

    Posted 11-10-2022 21:58
    I wonder why it woks for you and not for me. Will try document, thank you

    Anne Marie Craine

  • 14.  RE: 65+ Foods with Low Carbs for Diabetics

    Posted 10-10-2022 19:56
    Hello All and the Diabetes Australia Support Team

    First of all I am in full accord with what the team has written - well said. THANK YOU !
    We all should aim to manage our illness as effectively as we can and in a way that is sustainable.
    I believe this will vary from person to person for any number of reasons. I do not follow any particular school of thought, except what my medical support team advise.
    The internet can be useful and I will come across, every so often, scientific research of interest to me - some of which I post on the Forum.

    Over the last year or so the posting to the Forum has been increasingly about low carb diets and referrals to places like "Low Carb Down Under" etc.
    This is normally accompanied by reruns of "How I achieved Remission" (anybody who manages "remission" deserves a gold medal).
    However, its a bit tedious to be repeatedly told that low carbing is the only way to manage diabetes .
    ??I also find, the constant harassment and questioning of Diabetes Australia both unnecessary and unacceptable.

    Finally, just a request. Diabetes UK streams its Forum into a number of strands such as Low Carb, Low Calorie, Vegetarian, My Story etc.
    This way, people can stay with their area of interest or explore other topics if they choose to.

    Regards and best wishes

    Steven B.

  • 15.  RE: 65+ Foods with Low Carbs for Diabetics

    Posted 11-10-2022 09:09
    I agree 100% with Steven, we all manage our diabetes differently and cutting out carbs unfortunately does not work for me,
    please take it into consideration before you post the same thing continuously.


  • 16.  RE: 65+ Foods with Low Carbs for Diabetics

    Posted 11-10-2022 10:20
    Edited by Greg 11-10-2022 10:24
    Hi Steven B,

    Thank you for the Gold Medal!

    However, I feel it is personally undeserved, again.

    A Gold Medal is usually awarded to the winner of the game.

    As far as Remission or improvement of ones Diabetes condition through adopting a low carb way of eating, I would have to share that gold with hundreds of thousands of people around the world, and maybe many more as time goes by.

    This would seriously devalue the Gold, and we don't want that.

    Thank you for your suggestion of a separate Low Carb forum area.

    That is a fantastic idea!

    I truly hope that the team can arrange this sometime soon.



  • 17.  RE: 65+ Foods with Low Carbs for Diabetics

    Posted 11-10-2022 10:51
    Well said, Steven.

    I had a look at the DA position statement, and I found one paragraph, in particular, interesting.  It stated:

    "A recent systematic review and meta-analysis reported that rates of people achieving type 2 diabetes remission (HbA1c less than 6.5% (48mmol/mol) with no glucose-lowering medications) by following a low or very low carbohydrate diet were not higher than (my emphasis) the rate of remission achieved by people following other dietary approaches."


  • 18.  RE: 65+ Foods with Low Carbs for Diabetics

    Posted 11-10-2022 11:52
    Edited by Greg 11-10-2022 13:39

    Hi Joan,

    I note that this position statement is OVER four years old.

    That's almost the time that has elapsed since I achieved and maintained my remission from T2D.

    Medical science evolves at a cracking pace these days, so I would say that most of the information conveyed in this document, could in fact be somewhat obsolete and misleading.

    It would be good if DA could update this.




  • 19.  RE: 65+ Foods with Low Carbs for Diabetics

    Posted 11-10-2022 12:38
    Hi Greg

    If you want to read something up to date, have a look at the 2022 ADA
    Standards Of Medical Care in Diabetes (220pages).


    It is updated with supplements every year. All research is graded for
    scientific reliability, accuracy etc.

    The European Association for the Study of Diabetes (EASD) in conjunction
    with the ADA has also published a Consensus Report in Sept 2022.


    I think you can find the latest in these two documents. Sorry I can't
    supply a PDF document as I am uncertain about copyright conditions


    Steven B

  • 20.  RE: 65+ Foods with Low Carbs for Diabetics

    Posted 11-10-2022 14:29
    Thank you Steven B and the Diabetes Australia Support Team, exactly what I have been thinking for quite some time. I find Diabetes Australia’s statement on low-carb eating to be perfectly reasonable. In the 24-25 years since I have been diagnosed with diabetes I have worked with four GPs and two dieticians and they have all given excellent, factual and reasonable advice. It has always been obvious to me that I can’t eat large amounts of carbs, but it was pointed out to me that diabetes is a lifetime illness and to cope with it for a lifetime a certain amount of balance will be needed.

    I might add: for many years I have been determined to never take medical or financial advice from YouTube. Reason: anyone can (and many do!) go on YouTube and say anything, say they are doctors, physio, financial advisors etc and give all sorts of advice and information. We have no way of knowing whether they are who they say they are, what their qualifications are and of knowing anything about the source of their information.

    If the “doctor” is Australian it is possible to check their credentials on the AHPRA website and I encourage everyone to do that, even doctors you visit in person. But if they are from another country they could be anybody.

    I view Google slightly differently, as it reproduces information (research etc), and this can be seen for what it is.
    My one plea to medical people giving advice through Diabetes Australia is, please give reasons for your advice. People are much more likely to follow advice if they understand the reasons why.

    Overall though, it is great to have this forum.


    Sent from my iPad

  • 21.  RE: 65+ Foods with Low Carbs for Diabetics

    Posted 11-10-2022 10:12
    Hi Team, and Steven B,

    " It is great to see our members sharing newer techniques and ideas for managing diabetes that challenge the status quo.  "

    The first sentence of your message to us all, encourages me greatly!

    Thank you!

