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  • 1.  Diabetes Australia Presents ... Dr. Helena Popovic - recording now LIVE!

    Posted 19-09-2023 13:12

    Hi Members,

    We have had amazing feedback from all of you that attended last weeks presentation of Diabetes Australia Presents … Dr. Helena Popovic. Thank you for this feedback, it is great to hear and we are so pleased that so many of you found it so informative and interesting.

    The recording of the presentation is now live and you will find it by heading to this page within the Online Community.

    Our next Diabetes Australia Presents will be on Tuesday, 17 October (7:00pm) with keynote speaker Dr Sandro Demaio - more information and link to register will be out very soon! Stay tuned.

    Keep the feedback coming and we look forward to bringing you the next presentation in the series - Ange.

    Natasha, Ange and Anna

    Membership and Community Team

  • 2.  RE: Diabetes Australia Presents ... Dr. Helena Popovic - recording now LIVE!

    Posted 20-09-2023 07:03

    Since the presentation I have been digesting the content and keep coming back to a statement made by Helena about when one is "on insulin, you can't loose weight". This idea/theory can be a bit demoralising for a Type 1, not that I need to loose much weight but would like to shed 5 kg. Surely this blanket statement can't be true? Should it be "difficult, but possible" instead of "can't"?


  • 3.  RE: Diabetes Australia Presents ... Dr. Helena Popovic - recording now LIVE!

    Posted 21-09-2023 07:30

    Hello Michelle,

    We were advised to say How. Your diabetes educator , and dietician should be able to help.

    Walking , reducing fats works for me. However, everyone is completely different so best to work with your team. Reducing insulin also is part of a weight loss plan but you would need to work with your Doctor and educator to be safe.

    It is possible to lose weight. 
    Wishing you well



  • 4.  RE: Diabetes Australia Presents ... Dr. Helena Popovic - recording now LIVE!

    Posted 21-09-2023 14:23
    Thanks Julie. My diabetes team don't believe that one can't loose weight on insulin, so my conclusion is that the statement (when you are on insulin, you can't loose weight) isn't true. It felt a bit demoralising at the time though. 

    At 70kg and at 170cm height my medical team don't see my weight as a problem but I would like to be 65kg. I have a diet with very little fat, high fibre - lots of whole foods and avoid processed foods, and walk (according to my smart watch) an average of 13 000 steps a day. I'm not needing advice from my team on how to loose weight, I was just surprised about the statement. I have tertiary quals in nutrition so am lucky to be equipped with the knowledge required for weight management.

    I do like the 'how' questioning Helena spoke about - very empowering.

    I don't want anyone to feel defeated by the idea put forward about weight loss and insulin. It's important people, especially type 1's, feel empowered as there are enough challenges to manage that the general population don't need to. So important for mental health too. 

    Best wishes 

  • 5.  RE: Diabetes Australia Presents ... Dr. Helena Popovic - recording now LIVE!

    Posted 21-09-2023 16:05

    I follow a Facebook page called Diabeti Muscle & Fitness, it run by a T1 who was a bodybuilder, I treat my diabetes as a math problem, whilst on insulin I droped weight, I just needed to work out what foods did to my blood sugar based on amount of food, when it was taken and what if any exercise I did ontop of a normal daily routine, essentially energy in vs energy out. The math would be different for everyone but any one can do it
