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Dr. Pradip Jamnadas, Cardiologist - Improving Heart Health

  • 1.  Dr. Pradip Jamnadas, Cardiologist - Improving Heart Health

    Posted 19-01-2024 17:36

    Hello everyone,

    Dr. Pradip Jamnadas has a great way of explaining his thoughts about his patients who have successfully engaged in a fasting routine, and who go on to show improved health outcomes because of it.

    I can relate to a lot of what he says about the benefits of eating less often (say, less than three meals a day).

    And there is no additional costs involved.

    Thank me later!

    He explains how eating less often is totally natural for us humans, and that doing so will immediately reduce the over-production of insulin in our bodies, and which then helps us to recover from some of the unhealthy medical issues we may experience caused by Insulin Resistance.

    I hope you enjoy this short video, which is a portion of a longer interview conducted.



    ROOT CAUSE Of High Blood Pressure & How To TREAT IT With Fasting! | Dr. Pradip Jamnadas (youtube.com)
