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  • 1.  In case you missed it - breakthrough diabetes study

    Posted 04-01-2024 14:47

    Hi all,

    In case you missed this news story at the beginning of the week.

    Researchers say: Breakthrough diabetes study could lead to end of regular injections.

    Research published by Baker Heart and Diabetes Institute scientists shows they have manipulated existing pancreatic stem cells to prompt them to produce insulin

    For more on this please follow this link to the story 

    Natasha, Ange and Anna

    Membership and Community Team

  • 2.  RE: In case you missed it - breakthrough diabetes study

    Posted 05-01-2024 08:47

    I think I remember the article said only Type 1 ?


  • 3.  RE: In case you missed it - breakthrough diabetes study

    Posted 05-01-2024 10:17

    Hi Kenneth,

    The story that is linked in the post above, has mentioned the below:

    The Baker Heart and Diabetes Institute researchers are optimistic their work could potentially help people living with insulin-dependent type 2 diabetes.

    Natasha, Ange and Anna

    Membership and Community Team

  • 4.  RE: In case you missed it - breakthrough diabetes study

    Posted 05-01-2024 11:31
    I heard what I said on Chanel 9 News .... My apologies ��


    You have enemies ? Good. That means you've stood up for something, some time in your life   Winston Churchill

  • 5.  RE: In case you missed it - breakthrough diabetes study

    Posted 05-01-2024 14:03

    Hi Kenneth,

    No need to apologise, different news sites report things differently, some perhaps not all of the information. Hope you clicked through and read the one we shared.

    Have a wonderful weekend, Ange.

    Natasha, Ange and Anna

    Membership and Community Team

  • 6.  RE: In case you missed it - breakthrough diabetes study

    Posted 06-01-2024 09:31

    Isn't that the truth! Commercial TV news has a habit of announcing medical "breakthroughs" anything up to 5 years too early, and sometimes inaccurately.

    And their coverage of Ozempic/Trulicity as weight loss medications when they are actually diabetes treatments has been absolutely appalling

    Paul D