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  • 1.  my new type 2 medication

    Posted 03-01-2024 16:50

    I had been on Ozempic successsfully for over 5 years but suddenly developed constant nausea, and of course it was unavailable most of the time anyway.

    My endocrinologist tried me on Januvia (which wasn't very successful, my HPA1c kept rising and I put on weight), then on Trajenta. I also take 1000 mg Metformin night and morning, and 50 units Ryzodeg at night and also 8 units Novo Rapid after every meal (increasing it if necessary, according to my BGL). I had finally got to where I was having readings of high 5s to mid 6s, which I was happy with.

    Yesterday I had my 6 monthly visit to my cardiologist and he has changed the Trajenta to Forxiga , saying that it was much better for anyone with a heart problem.

    Has anyone had any experience with this? The cardiologist said that possible side effects could be bladder infections and/or thrush.

    I can't talk to the endocrinologist about it because she has moved away and will not take phone consultations.

    Any feedback would be appreciated.



  • 2.  RE: my new type 2 medication

    Posted 04-01-2024 10:53

    Sorry to hear of your situation and dilemma, question have they provided you with the drugs information data sheet .. Its worthwhile reading  https://www.astrazeneca.ca/content/dam/az-ca/downloads/productinformation/forxiga-consumer-information-leaflet-en.pdf  I think it would be wise to seek another Endocrinologist since you have difficulty contacting your current one.. Good luck  


  • 3.  RE: my new type 2 medication

    Posted 06-01-2024 12:47
    Thanks to all who replied to my query.
    The chemist who dispensed the Forxiga gave me a very extensive print out, which I have read several times... and I checked out the link that Ian sent (thank you).
    I wanted to wait a few days before replying so I could give a progress report.
    I am drinking LOTS of water, at least 2 litres a day to hopefully prevent any of the side effects, but of course as a result, I have to go to the toilet about every hour, or even more frequently, and this is a real nuisance. I have had to start wearing incontinence pads as the need to urinate is very urgent. I'm hoping this will settle down but I'm pessimistic.
    There hasn't been any change with my BGLs and I am happy with those.
    re finding another endocrinologist, there is only 1 in Bundaberg at the moment, and he is trying to pick up all the patients who were left stranded when my previous one left. She sent a summary to my GP when she left. At that stage I was on Ozempic, but the GP has since changed?? my treatment twice, and now the cardiologist has changed it again. Needless to say, I am feeling rather concerned.
    I believe there is a 6 month waiting list at the moment with the endocrinologist so I'll have to get going with making an appointment.
    Thanks again

  • 4.  RE: my new type 2 medication

    Posted 06-01-2024 12:59

    Hi Win - good luck I know its a right PIA ( Pain in the backside)  its a sad indictment  on our health system that specialist care is so limited in regional areas of our fair country


  • 5.  RE: my new type 2 medication

    Posted 07-01-2024 09:13

    I have been on and off Forxiga for over 12 months I have noticed that it makes you urinate about every 90 minutes during the day, so I now take it before bed times I still wake up to go but it is about every 3 hours through the night. I am also on Ozempic it came back in supply today but for how long who knows ? I am also on Metformin 1000g twice a day same as you. I also take 25 units of Ryzodeg 70/30 morning and night. I will cut that out when the Ozempic kicks back in. My average mmol is around 6.5 and gets down to around 5 mmol some days. My Dr say that with my age (72 years old) being around or under 7.0 mmol is ok.


  • 6.  RE: my new type 2 medication

    Posted 09-01-2024 22:40

    I recently have started Forxiga, 17 tablets so far.  Only problem I have had is that I seem to get a light headed feeling right at the top of my head every so often during the day.  Nothing else has changed.  Readings still the same.  No excessive urination - have always had 2 Litres plus a day.   


  • 7.  RE: my new type 2 medication

    Posted 10-01-2024 09:40

    I am also on Forxiga but in my case I go to the loo every couple of hours. It tacked a couple of weeks for it to take full affect. I am now at the stage where I give it a rest for a couple of days (I take it at night before bed time). I agree with you my weight has not gone down and I also take plenty of fluids. I am back on Ozempic and will once again try to cut back on my insulin (insulin puts weight on you). So we will see how we go.  


  • 8.  RE: my new type 2 medication

    Posted 11-01-2024 16:58
    Edited by Gary 11-01-2024 16:59

    I have been on Forxiga for a couple of years now. My endocrinologist told me to take it in the morning so it didn't interfere with my sleep. I do drink a lot during the day and go every 3 hours but I can sleep right through the night (6 to 7 hours). I always drink a glass of water before going to bed. While my cardiologist says it is very good that my endocrinologist put me on forxiga my urologist is not keen on it. I am told by my specialists to keep myself clean so that I don't get any urinary infections. The last time I got a UTI, I ended up in hospital with a strep infection - blood poisoning and bacteria ate out centre of the L4/L5 disc in my back. I wasn't on forxiga then. I also take metformin and Gliclazide for my diabetes. I also take blood pressure tablets and Crosuva as well as some vitamins and natural medications.

    I don't seem to suffer from any real side effects.

    Stay safe and well