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Cycle of care checks and Covid vaccinations

  • 1.  Cycle of care checks and Covid vaccinations

    Posted 28-02-2021 18:14
    Hi Everyone
    Have been following discussions over the past few months but have been a bit too distracted to reply to most.

    I have 3 monthly blood test for HbA1c etc as this confirms I am on the right track with all these indicators and that my diet is appropriate for achieving my aims in these areas.

    I have my eyes checked at least once a year, skin checked once a year,  and feet and dental checks twice a year. I ensure I have all the screens recommended at the recommended intervals. I usually use my 5 visits under my Management Plan for my CDE as these are not covered by health insurance. 

    I feel that having these tests confirms my overall state of health is good  (I have a couple of issues I like to have monitored) as well as my diabetes management being on track. Knowledge is power and I can monitor any slight changes and respond as I feel I need to and keep on top of things.

    I have recently had my first endo appointment which was a very positive experience. One of my main reasons (although I did not say so on the first visit) was to make sure someone could vouch for my self-management of my diabetes should I have to go to hospital (something I am hoping to avoid!!!). 

    As for the vaccination - I am on board with this. I feel it is a personal and social responsibility to try to reduce the likelihood of infection for myself and those around me I care about. 

    Everyone is entitled to their views and to act on those views.   But, what about the consequences for the rest of us if they are not right ???
