Hi Liam
I can understand your concerns but in Qld it appears to be pretty low risk, depending on where you live. If you live/work in a hot spot masks and social distancing should reduce your risk greatly. Having a job in these uncertain times is likely to outweigh the risks, given how low they are here. Look at all the retail staff who are still working and dealing with the public all day every day and few, if any, have caught Covid. I am probably quite a bit older than you and still go out to shop and socialise, all be it carefully.
I am sure if you tell any new employer your health circumstances and take precautions you will be safe, and have the benefits that come with a job.
Good luck with getting permanent employment.
best wishes
Original Message:
Sent: 01-09-2020 12:42
From: Liam
Subject: Working and COVID
I currently receiving JobSeeker and the new obligations state I must apply to 4 jobs. I am not working because I am genuinely concerned for my health and what will happen if I get COVID on the job. Centrelink can stop your payments if you don't apply/accept jobs. Do you think it's reasonable or possible to get an exemption from applying for jobs due to Type 1 Diabetes?
Thanks in advance,