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Restless legs

  • 1.  Restless legs

    Posted 22-09-2020 00:02
    Recommendations to help with restless legs when trying to sleep?

    Live Your Life Community Team
    Natasha and Erin

  • 2.  RE: Restless legs

    Posted 23-09-2020 05:17
    I suffer dreadfully with restless legs as I do a lot of walking which has also
    stirred up my plantar fasciitis.

    I read that two Panadol before bed often helps one get through the night. I take a lot of medication anyway and really don’t want to add to the concoction so I’ve never tried it. Perhaps it’s time I did.

    😄 Jane

  • 3.  RE: Restless legs

    Posted 23-09-2020 07:59
    Hi Folks
    Restless leg is Magnesium deficiency as far as I know. The Mg cycle begins maintenance at 3 AM and deficiency is often indicated by waking at that time. Mg is critical in the organelles of the mitochondria https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4960558/#:~:text=Mg2%2B%20homeostasis%20is%20crucial,mitochondria8%2C9%2C10.
    Mg deficiency seems to be common problem in diabetics. It certainly is for me. If I don't take it daily I get early morning leg cramps within that maintenance cycle I suspect. I use sea minerals as a rub at those times. DSMO can be used with it for faster absorption. I take 5 mls of sea minerals  most mornings(in water followed by more water as it tastes yuk) as a natural replacement of Mg(about 40% Mg) and all the other minerals. Any more can send one to the toilet in a hurry. (20 mls in one go is a constipation fix). 
    I think this Mg problem indicates that diabetics have mitochondrial problems that need to be addressed either in research or development and application of information that may already be available.


  • 4.  RE: Restless legs

    Posted 23-09-2020 08:14
    Thanks Crispin.  I had to look up "DSMO" and found this link (its a solvent):    DMSO

    (BTW, I don't have restless legs but my wife does and I'll see if she's willing to increase Mg  - note that epsom salts is a source ;-)


  • 5.  RE: Restless legs

    Posted 24-09-2020 06:03
    Hi Jock

    Great to hear from you.

    DSMO is interesting stuff. Can be used for organ transport, increases blood flow, etc. Take a look at this link Topical DMSO for Pain  
    I hope it works. I'm not all that good with the computer stuff.

    Re Mg We use Celtic Sea Salt as it is near complete sea solids. Very tasty and high Mg(MgCl and MgSO4). Get a dose of just about everything each time you use some. The salt of choice of most of my naturopath friends. If you want to know more about Mg, Transdermal Magnesium Therapy by Dr Marc Circus is interesting. Plenty of other literature. I think that Mg has over 370 functions in the body. It is involved in relaxing the muscles and Calcium on the other hand Contracting. I've seen the ECG of an Mg deficient person that had the bottom part of the sine wave missing: apparently the mg part wasn't working. That might shed light on the RLS and cramp issue.



  • 6.  RE: Restless legs

    Posted 24-09-2020 14:44
    Hi Jane

    I think you need magnesium. Try it, it helps very good.

  • 7.  RE: Restless legs

    Posted 23-09-2020 09:23
    Increasing iron levels if iron deficient.  This web site gives detailed information.

    Note that pathology blood tests only show BLOOD results, which doesn't necessarily equate to what's happening at a cellular level, which is the case for all blood tests.

    In the case of iron supplementation to treat restless legs syndrome, I have seen first-hand, success with this.

    Virus-free. www.avg.com

  • 8.  RE: Restless legs

    Posted 23-09-2020 18:39

    I wonder if the iron thing is more likely in women of child nearing age? Aren't they more likely to be iron deficient? Mg in sea minerals does it for me but I doubt that I have ever been iron deficient as I eat red meat nearly every day.


    I found:


    an RLS foundation:




    Doctors and Mg and RLS:




    Various, somewhat curios, home remedies:




    Mg is a major element in body as well as in the soil and the sea. I still lean towards the sea minerals as it supplies a heap of Mg and the traces that we need(probably more than we have knowledge of) to facilitate its function.







  • 9.  RE: Restless legs

    Posted 24-09-2020 09:20
    Interesting.  It seems that iron and magnesium can remedy restless legs.  (Crispin, I see from your sea salt formula that it does actually contain epsom salts (MgSO4 ).

    For the health professionals monitoring this forum, this is a good demonstration of how people try to work out their own solutions with research and informed trial and error.  Diabetics especially, need to do this to get things under control.


  • 10.  RE: Restless legs

    Posted 24-09-2020 09:37
    I don't believe taking iron supplements for restless legs is more for women of child nearing age, as I saw first-hand the remarkable improvement with my elderly father when he started taking iron.  There were no other changes so I do believe this is what did the trick.  Also the research I mentioned doesn't indicate it works better for women.

    Virus-free. www.avg.com

  • 11.  RE: Restless legs

    Posted 24-09-2020 23:45

    Hello Cris


    I'm glad magnesium works for you.


    It's good to know though that there are other possible simple remedies that may also be just as successful for others ... like everything, one size doesn't fit all.  I don't think iron should automatically be dismissed because of possible side-effects.  Like any other supplement, iron would only prove useful if one is deficient in the first place, and too much of any vitamin or mineral may cause serious side-effects if not used correctly and in the right circumstances.  It is only natural of course, that women would be of greater risk of being iron-deficient, especially at certain stages of their lives, however, men should also be aware that they are not immune to being iron-deficient.


    Again, I saw amazing results when my father (suffering from severe RLS) started taking iron supplements after discovering he was iron-deficient.


    There are also many notable websites explaining and supporting the treatment of RLS using iron:


    The same RLS foundation you quoted:




    John Hopkins:




    Just one excerpt from John Hopkins:


    "Role of Iron in RLS

    The single most consistent finding and the strongest environmental risk factor associated with RLS is iron insufficiency. Professor Nordlander first recognized the association between iron deficiency and RLS, and reported that treatment of the iron deficiency markedly improved, if not eliminated, the RLS symptoms."





  • 12.  RE: Restless legs

    Posted 26-09-2020 08:32

    Hi Cheryl


    I'm not dismissing Iron. Sorry if you got that impression. My point is that it needs to be handled with care as it is a minor trace element. Mg is usually an easily diagnosed deficiency where RLS and Cramps are concerned: if you have either problem Mg is almost certainly involved. Fe is not so obvious. Hemocrhomatosis, too much iron, can be a another problem that one would not want to exacerbate. Adding a bit of something that the body should have a lot of will not be likely to cause the problems that adding something that the body has only a tiny amount of. My point is  that Mg can be taken without undue concern but the same is not necessarily so with Fe. So it should be used only if diagnosed. 

    In soil science Mg is the second most abundant cation in healthy soil. Too much iron causes problems. The closer you get the percentages to optimum the better soil biology works. Our bodies are not much different to soil in mineral composition.


    BTW, thanks for noting Fe as I had not known that.







    Percentage Of Iron In Your Body

    Iron is considered a micromineral, which means only trace amounts of it are needed by your body for healthy function. In contrast, calcium, phosphorus and magnesium are needed in much higher amounts each day. The amount of iron in the body of an average-sized woman is approximately 2.3 grams, which makes up only about 0.006 percent of her total mass. For comparison, calcium makes up about 1.4 percent of the mass of a human being. Men's bodies contain a little more iron overall, but women have more proportionally given their smaller size.



  • 13.  RE: Restless legs

    Posted 27-09-2020 11:29
    Hello again Cheryl

    I thing I may have originally given you the wrong idea of what I was thinking.
    I think you may have thought I was thinking that Fe was not involved. Not so. My interest was getting to the roots of the problem via discussion, towards progress, rather than argument to find a winner. The later is pointless political control in my opinion.

    You said:

    There are also many notable websites explaining and supporting the treatment of RLS using iron:


    The same RLS foundation you quoted:



    I didn't read much of The RLS front page but thought it might be help to some. I can't remember reading anything about Mg or Fe.
    They should know something about RLS.
    That is why I posted it.
    One the point of Mg Vs Fe being the problem, it depends on what you are short of.
    Could be either or both or more, including why.
    When we are definitively sure that we know how, when, where, why and what we have passed the observe, experiment, adjust phase: in my opinion that is smart, scientific and holistic.
    Sadly, we don't see too much of that these days, mainly expert opinion.
    I hope this clears up perceptions on my thought process.
    Once again, my apology for any misunderstanding.
