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diabetes-related foot disease

  • 1.  diabetes-related foot disease

    Posted 26-08-2020 19:50
    Did you know that every two hours someone in Australia will under-go an amputation as a result of diabetes-related foot disease?

    Did you also know that diabetes-related foot ulcers are reported as the leading cause of amputation in Australia?

    Diabetic Foot Australia and La Trobe University are building the "Australian Research Agenda for diabetes-related foot health and disease".
    The study aims to determine what a broad range of people think are the most important questions about diabetes-related foot health and disease that should be answered by research.

    Help them ask the right questions: https://monashmnhs.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_3F6dsglzU7MisCN

    Live Your Life Community Team
    Natasha & Erin