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Members forums - What would you like?

  • 1.  Members forums - What would you like?

    Posted 11-08-2021 14:24
    Hi Members,

    We are taking cautious, baby steps in organising  in person member forums across NSW and ACT as we manage the impacts of COVID restrictions. At the moment, we are looking to have one event prior to Christmas (if possible) with several to follow early in 2022.

    These are your member forums and we want to provide you with the opportunity to let us know what you would like to happen at the forums.

    Do you have any requests?

    Some ideas to get the creative juices flowing are below. 

    * learn about therapy pets
    * Low carb and Low GI eating
    * Hear from a researcher
    * Learn more about the Type 2 remission study 
    * Pilates class
    * Hear from an optometrist
    * A tech session where you can ask questions about specific diabetes products
    * Hear from a paramedic  
    * A fun game like trivia or game show to get you working together with others at your table.

    Live Your Life Community Team
    Natasha & Erin

  • 2.  RE: Members forums - What would you like?

    Posted 12-08-2021 09:34
    As a Coeliac and T1D I'm interested in anything on the inter-relationships between these two autoimmune diseases, each of which is more prevalent in the T1D and Coeliac communities than in the general population. Especially interested in how the readily available gluten free foods are counter to the healthy foods needed byr T1Ds (excessive sugar etc).

    Harwood Lockton

    mob: 0468717602

  • 3.  RE: Members forums - What would you like?

    Posted 12-08-2021 10:43
    I would love to see something about how to manage diabetes during exercise for those using pumps and CGM. I cannot get it right. I either end up very low  or very high.


  • 4.  RE: Members forums - What would you like?

    Posted 13-08-2021 14:53
    I agree with Donna. I have the same problem, usually ending up with low sugars or rapidly dropping blood sugars before the end of my 40 minute walk. 

  • 5.  RE: Members forums - What would you like?

    Posted 14-08-2021 08:18
    Exercise and blood sugars would be great! Like
    Carla and Donna I can’t work out a way to keep things stable. After exercise my blood sugars can drop so fast it’s frightening. Then I don’t want to have that happen again so I put off exercise, which is not helpful.


  • 6.  RE: Members forums - What would you like?

    Posted 15-08-2021 07:42
    As a Type 1 trying to lose weight, I wonder whether doing extra exercise - say morning AND evening instead of only once a day( as advised to the general population) would actually benefit since more exercise would mean more hypos which would actually result in weight gain, therefore defeating the purpose of the extra exercise! What is recommended for the Type 1 diabetic to lose weight?

    Sent from my iPhone

  • 7.  RE: Members forums - What would you like?

    Posted 16-08-2021 11:32
    I have the same concerns Irene. I am struggling with weight control. To exercise  I need to eat prior to the exercise, even though I reduce my basal rate on my pump, I still need to eat during exercise. I am sure I am not burning enough calories compared to the calories I take in to be able to exercise. 🤔😵‍💫


  • 8.  RE: Members forums - What would you like?

    Posted 17-08-2021 07:17
    I have not found exercise loses weight nor did my dietician advise me that it would. This leaves food and alcohol as the other 2options so look at your diet before increasing exercise which is beneficial but not to lose weight.


  • 9.  RE: Members forums - What would you like?

    Posted 14-08-2021 17:02
    I'd be very keen to hear from researchers and paramedics, and participate in trivia events and/or gameshows.  As I'm just starting my journey of living with both Type 1 Diabetes and Coeliac disease after my Coeliac diagnosis last week, I share Harwood's interest in the interrelationship between these two autoimmune conditions, including the dietary aspects.


  • 10.  RE: Members forums - What would you like?

    Posted 14-08-2021 18:15
    Julie - did your receive both diagnoses at about the same time? That would be very hard to manage. I had about 10 years between the TID and the Coeliac diagnoses.

    Harwood Lockton

    mob: 0468717602

  • 11.  RE: Members forums - What would you like?

    Posted 17-08-2021 17:57
    Hi Ladies
    I too would like to hear some advise / discussionregarding exercise whilst on a pump.  I am using a medtronic 770G with CGM on auto mode. .


  • 12.  RE: Members forums - What would you like?

    Posted 30-08-2021 13:03
    I agree with these other people on BSL and exercise.  Last year in the online conference someone spoke about anaerobic exercise to increase BSL which sounded really interesting and I'd like to explore  it more. 

    I did realise for calorie intake (for weight loss) against the blood glucose benefits, I couldn't go past popping a jelly bean or two!  They're easy to store in my bag, and when I go up Kincumber Mountain as an unplanned walk with a friend or even just around the block and I start with a "too good" BSL, jelly beans mean I can still take up the exercise opportunity!  As someone expressed, exercise is really important, but you can't always adjust basal insulin, or sometimes even rapid insulin, in time to avoid a hypo while exercising.  I guess this is just part of me making diabetes fit into my life.

    I would be interested to find out  what other workable options there are.  I'm not an elite athlete and don't want a solution to be so cumbersome that it discourages exercise.
