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Nationwide register for insulin users

  • 1.  Nationwide register for insulin users

    Posted 30-04-2022 19:56
    Suzanne - Type 1

    I would love to see a Nationwide  Type 1 insulin register with the NDSS . A couple of times over the past 10 years I have been on holiday and forgotten my insulin (or left a bag at home). It can be difficult to get to a doctor to get a prescription over holidays like Easter and Christmas (and what if you are in a remote location)? and while some pharmacies will dispense the medication and ask you to owe them a script, it's still terribly inconvenient. I use small doses and only need 1 prescription per year so I'd end up with way too much ( I know I can donate meds to the insulin scheme) It would be great if we could have some insulin dispensed without a prescription, to cover us for a few days. Has this ever come up in lobbying the government, or with anyone here on the forum?  Thanks


  • 2.  RE: Nationwide register for insulin users
    Best Answer

    Posted 01-05-2022 07:31
    What a great idea Suzanne. I have also been caught a few times when I was unsure if my infusion site was working and have had to go to a nearby pharmacy and beg for insulin. Fortunately I know my pharmacist and have phoned her privately after hours and she has reassured the pharmacist that I need the insulin and will drop back a prescription. I also end up with 5 pens which is crazy.


  • 3.  RE: Nationwide register for insulin users

    Posted 01-05-2022 08:33
    Thanks Roz,
    yes it's fine if you're close to home but it goes a bit pear shaped if you're interstate and seeing it's life saving medication I think we should be able to be covered without a prescription.


  • 4.  RE: Nationwide register for insulin users

    Posted 01-05-2022 22:19
    Suzanne, that's a good idea.  I didn't realise that others had also left their insulin at home while traveling.

    I've also had to find a flexible and sympathetic pharmacy to provide some insulin with a promise of a script.  

    In the 1980's when I worked in the USA, I bought my insulin in separate 10m vials over the counter at a drug store without a script. 

    When my luggage (containing the bulk of my insulin) was lost in Mexico, I was able to buy a single vial of insulin in a small town.  It was easier in Mexico than in Canberra and Melbourne where I've had to find emergency insulin.

    I've also tried to buy a couple of syringes while traveling, instead of a large box (NDSS) - not possible.  I was eventually offered a syringe kit given to drug addicts.


  • 5.  RE: Nationwide register for insulin users

    Posted 06-05-2022 10:14
    P.S.  I think the problem is supplying insulin (even just a small amount) without a prescription, rather than confirming that a person is a T1 diabetic.  So the solution might be to make insulin prescriptions available on-line within the NDSS system.  I'm sure that t1s have a record of obtaining subsidised T1 items through NDSS, so adding the prescription shouldn't be too hard.  

    Question to Diabetes Australia:  Don't the Diabetes associations administer the NDSS ?   You may be in a good position to influence this.

    HOWEVER:  a couple of experiences of losing/forgetting insulin has made me far more careful and I haven't experienced this for a long time and have traveled in 3rd world countries.  When on a long trip, I diversify my insulin storage.


  • 6.  RE: Nationwide register for insulin users

    Posted 02-05-2022 12:34
    Hi Suzanne,
    A great suggestion. It should be easy enough to implement. Pharmacies can look up your insulin regime  using your NDDS registration card and supply you with an emergency supply. Insulin can be lost for a variety of unforeseen circumstances. Accidental loss, spoilage due heat or freezing, unplanned overstay beyond planned dates.  Presentation of your NDDS card matched with your personal ID should make it easy enough to get the insulin .

    Johannes G

  • 7.  RE: Nationwide register for insulin users

    Posted 02-05-2022 14:16
    Totally support this idea and suggest the register to be extended to all life dependent drugs used in the community.


  • 8.  RE: Nationwide register for insulin users

    Posted 03-05-2022 17:04
    Hi Suzanne

    I used to travel quite regularly and have found the best way for me, especially when travelling overseas via plane, is to put 1-2 vials in my handbag (depending on length of trip), wrapped in tin foil, to keep them cool, so if luggage gets lost, I have supply and have enough to see me through until I can sort out getting a script.

    I also leave a note on the fridge of the hotel I am in so I don't forget to take my insulin with me when I leave.

    When in Asia, sometimes this can be difficult when going through the airport security.  I have my letter from my Endocrinologist or doctor in English and also I translate it using Google into the language of the country I am in.  I have found when you have your travel letter in English, they usually just glance at it and send me on my way.  This happened when I was in Sabah.

    Trust this is helpful.



  • 9.  RE: Nationwide register for insulin users

    Posted 04-05-2022 08:25
    who puts their insulin in with their luggage? It does not go in the hold ever.


  • 10.  RE: Nationwide register for insulin users

    Posted 04-05-2022 08:34
    I totally agree with Janet. It freezes down there. In 1981 heading for the UK and a long stay, I did. Lost the lot except the one in the cabin. They 10ml vials all shattered. May be different temperatures down there now with livestock being transported in cages, but, take no chances. I carry all my gear in a backpack.

    Adjunct Professor David H McKinnon
    School of Education
    Edith Cowan University
    Joondalup 6027, Perth
    Western Australia


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  • 11.  RE: Nationwide register for insulin users

    Posted 05-05-2022 12:20
    Hi all,  I think that with our NDSS card plus ID we should be able to get emergency insulin anywhere. NDSS  card should say that we are Type 1. Maybe an app developed by NDSS and given to all Type 1. Hopefully some people at NDSS could look into this.
    Cheers all and have a good day.


  • 12.  RE: Nationwide register for insulin users

    Posted 05-05-2022 17:39
    I have worked in the airline industry for many years. In the days of the B707 cargo holds used to get to very low temperatures and animals were carried in special heated compartments. Todays modern aircraft holds not freeze as it damages the luggage and its contents. The Captain is always aware of live animals onboard and heats the area accordingly. Having said that you should still never trust your medication to your checked luggage, always carry it in your cabin bag.

    Johannes G

  • 13.  RE: Nationwide register for insulin users

    Posted 06-05-2022 07:41
    Thanks Anita yes I agree with you.


  • 14.  RE: Nationwide register for insulin users

    Posted 05-05-2022 16:28
    I was advised when travelling to take all medications as cabin luggage,  as the lugggage hold becomes very hot and seriously affects them.   I have a wheelie cabin case that holds all our medical requirements and have no trouble travelling overseas or interstate.    The other good reason is that if you have medications in the suticases and for some reason the flight is delayed and the cases are held elsewhere  or lost, and you can't get to them for your medication,  it doesn't bear thinking about.  Marnie


  • 15.  RE: Nationwide register for insulin users

    Posted 07-05-2022 20:54
    I always put all of my medication in my carry on luggage when travelling.
