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  • 1.  Libre

    Posted 12-01-2022 21:37
    As a new user of this system I have had two (2) failures both times the reader has given no sensor detected with a red cross on removing them I have not seen the needle on the sensor has this happened to any one else. John Brisbane


  • 2.  RE: Libre

    Posted 13-01-2022 20:48
    Hello John,I have had quite a few fails with libre2 , rarely with libre 1.
    Must say very impressed with 2 accuracy.
    But have had fails near beginning of use and near end, Abbott have replaced each time without a problem. 
    When you remove sensor there is no needle their, but a fibre reading filament.  It must not be kinked or bent, if so you may have damaged it . The needle is only to insert fibre, and retracts on insertion of sensor.


  • 3.  RE: Libre

    Posted 11-03-2022 08:53
    Hi all
    i have been using the L2 for a few months & two have fallen off, the remainder have adhered to skin for the 14 days. Abbott replaced the 2 that fell off  no charge. As with all these cgms they leave marks on skin when they are removed which clear up in a few days. I am wearing the sensor on the inside area of the upper arm not the rear of the arm, being a skinny person  i dont have enough area on the rear of arm & no problems.
    i am very impressed with the L2, the accuracy  & convenience are fantastic, i am lucky i can get these no charge on ndss.


  • 4.  RE: Libre

    Posted 10-03-2022 18:32

    Hi, I am wondering if other members have had issues with the sensors staying on for the 14 days. I have actually stopped using them as I have to pay $100 a sensor - non-concession holder - and as you can imagine am finding it quite frustrating to have it last sometimes 3 days, 7 days, hardly ever the full 14 days.

    I believe the tape that sticks to the site is not large enough on the sensors. I would be interested to find out if anyone else is having these issues. I can't help but think I am not the only person with this issue! I have reached out to the supplier who did issue me with a free one once, however, do not believe this is addressing the issue. Any communication or information would be greatly appreciated.
    Kind regards, Karen


  • 5.  RE: Libre

    Posted 11-03-2022 05:47

    Three points about your Libre problems:-

    -   I would like to see them bevel the edges so that they don't get caught on doorways etc.
    -   I give the area where I am going to apply it a good wash and dry, the swab with alcohol.
    -   If they do fall off ( only 1 of mine has come off in over 3 years ) call the support line and they will replace it.


  • 6.  RE: Libre

    Posted 11-03-2022 06:56
    Libre sensors falling off can be avoided by  using the product 'Not Just a Patch', which I obtained through the Diabetes Aust shop.  They are a bit fiddly, but definitely do the job. My partner customises the size and shape for me so that they aren't too large. I have had some minor skin irritation occasionally, but benefits outweigh the cost.


  • 7.  RE: Libre

    Posted 11-03-2022 08:50
    It would appear that there are multiple reasons for recording a patch failure,
    The adhesion of the patch is the greatest I would suggest
    Each time I have an issue, I don't hesitate to call the help line
    They have a host of suggestions as to how it might go wrong but someone's idea to make the adhesive perimeter wider is a good one but one of the helpline suggestions was to make sure that when you join the two parts together place the sensor component on a hard surface to apply greater pressure when pushing down to join the two. 
    This small piece of advice improved my success rate of keeping them on for the full 14 days
    I agree that at nearly $100 a time to lose one after a couple of days or even towards the end is irritating
    Perhaps in the next revision people who actually use the sensors will be invited to list potential improvements
    Keep up the good work Team


  • 8.  RE: Libre

    Posted 11-03-2022 10:16
    Hi Karen,

    I use CGM and I had the same issue but I now use Rock Tape. You can get it from pharmacies and it secures everything perfectly. Problem fixed!


  • 9.  RE: Libre

    Posted 11-03-2022 10:40

    Hi Karen.

    I started with the Libre. I had problems with the sensor staying on but also would have bleeds on application. The sensors were over $100 (freight included) but I managed to keep most on for the 14 days. Occasionally I would knock and partially dislodge the sensor and if I did not completely dislodge the filament it would last the distance.  Also, I had sensors that did not work and they were replaced free of charge. I used the Libre only for a year mainly because of the cost.

    It did confirm my suspicions why I had hypos and lowered my HbA1c by 0.5 but the first Libre did not talk to a smart phone.

    After being hospitalized for hypoglycemia, I qualified for a subsided CGM.

    The Dexcom G5 had good technology but the sensor was recommended to be changed after a week. Although the sensitivity and accuracy fell away after 20 days, I was getting up to 28 days from a sensor. Because the sensor is inserted at an angle, I was having a lot more bleeds and one causing the sensor to be dislodged after 5 days.

    I also had sensor and transmitter failures with the Dexcom G5. Problems were also had with pairing the transmitter and sensor. I also had to also buy a new phone because all phones are not compatible with Dexcom technology.   

    The advantage of the Dexcom was all the settings and alarms that were sent to your smart phone. My HbA1c dropped by a full unit in 3 months. Keeping sensors on was a problem but Primatape usually kept it in place.

    If I had a bleed, the site would be red and swollen on removal but would heal within a week.  I had a slight reaction to the adhesive but it was not good enough to keep the sensor on in hot humid conditions.

    I asked my endo about implants that could be scanned at my last appointment. There is work almost completed with this technology but I think that the best option will be the smart watch that monitors a wide range of medical and physiological parameters. If it gets approved, it will do away with a lot of running costs and invasive technology that comes with the current CGMs. 



  • 10.  RE: Libre

    Posted 11-03-2022 17:21
    Hi Paul, In your email to Karen you state once again that "After being hospitalized for hypoglycemia, I qualified for a subsided CGM." Does that mean without being in any of the subsidised categories of under 21, gestational diabetes or a concession holder you were able to obtain the CGM? Did your GP or endo fill in the form and  write a letter to a specific authority?


  • 11.  RE: Libre

    Posted 11-03-2022 20:39

    Hi Michael,

    What got me past the first step for a CGM was the pension card. My doctor filled out the form but I am I am not hypo unaware. I once injected 30 units of bolus instead of my basal and got through that misadventure with no problems. Too much basal insulin for the days of hard work that I was doing at the time, created that hypo.

    Although the Dexcom G5 helped me with insulin dosage adjustments for Ryzodeg, I had a lot of trouble keeping the sensors on. The sensors are not designed for the high humidity with hot days.

    They are not designed for crawling in and out of cane harvesters, doing maintenance on machinery and professional net fishing. That is why I was making inquiries about scanned implants.

    I have not gone back to the CGM because I had difficulties keeping sensors on. When I lost a sensor and had difficulties with the replacement, I found that I had lost the fine art that is required to manage diabetes with finger pricks.

    The technology of CGMs is great but it must work all the time and every time. I am also one of those people who cannot use a pump.



  • 12.  RE: Libre

    Posted 12-03-2022 08:44
    Hi Michael,

    I have have bad internet reception at times so you may see  another post with other problems that I had with sensors and just resent this morning.



  • 13.  RE: Libre

    Posted 11-03-2022 14:23
    Hi Karen, I have knocked sensors off in the past and once one sort of fell off.

    The knocking off is easy to fix, stop walking into obstacles or use something to hold it on, there are a number of options. 

    The falling off, I believe was after using the swab I don't think I gave it enough time to dry before applying the sensor.

    Regards Don

  • 14.  RE: Libre

    Posted 12-03-2022 09:53
    Hi Karen, 
                          I've been using Libre sensors for almost 2 years and have found that Abbott have been excellent in their support, they've replaced 3 sensors and 1 reader in that time due to 2 coming off, 1 coming up with an error code and the reader failing very recently. My own experience is that the skin must be meticulously clean (thoroughly washed and up to 3 alcohol wipes so no trace of anything is left), I then scuff the skin with a clean piece of paper towel so that it gets a little heat and goes a bit pink obviously ensuring no remnants of paper towel remains on the skin. Apply sensor firmly and hold pressure on it for 30 to 40 seconds then carefully remove the applicator. I've tried various patches over the sensor with various success, Not Just a Patch will only stay on my skin  for a maximum of 5 or 6 days, worst case is 6 hours before starting to peel off. Type Strong or something similar were marginally better than NJaP, but the best success was with 3M Transpore tape which unfortunately my skin reacts to and leaves it red and inflamed for a week or more after removal. The adhesive on the actual sensor seems to be the best by far and I rarely use anything over it now, just have to take a little more care that I don't snag it on anything. I do have an olive complexion but not sure if this has any bearing on my results, hope this info is of value to you. Oh, I agree with Paul in the bevelled edges idea too.


  • 15.  RE: Libre

    Posted 22-03-2022 13:24
    Mine only pulled off once when I pulled my T-shirt off over my head. You do need to be careful however there is a device like a watch that will fit over the sensor to alleviate the problem. What has the manufacturer said about your problem? I only have trouble opening the tight pack as I have arthritis.


  • 16.  RE: Libre

    Posted 22-03-2022 14:13
    One problem with the sensor's I discovered is if I register, my iPhone on the sensor before the Libre reader then the Libre reader will not acknowledge the new sensor.

    Regards Don

  • 17.  RE: Libre

    Posted 10-04-2022 09:24


    Am very happy to learn techniques from other type1 diabetics. Using the Freestyle Libre 2 flash glucose monitoring system Sensor/reader has changed my life with the ability to get glucose levels immediately 24/7. It sends alarms when sugars are going up or down. During the night it sends results at least three times.

    My problem lies with these night alarms. It will alarm so loudly you have to respond. 99% of the time the results will be slightly over or under the recommended results (low is 4mmls) I know the results do change overnight. (I take 20 Units of Optisulin before bed)last night, on the third alarm I gave myself 8mmls insulin, had a good sleep and woke up to a 8mml result,  originally BS was 13.9mmls) does anyone have problems with overnight results?

    Use Novorapid 8 units with each meal

    Thank you


  • 18.  RE: Libre

    Posted 12-04-2022 12:41

    I have been using Libre 1 (FSL1) for many years. Initially using just the Libre Reader my HbA1c dropped from high 7s to low 7s.
    I then installed a MiaoMiao 1 on top of the FSL1 and it transmitted readings every 5 mins to an app on my Android phone called xDrip+.
    xDrip (or Spike on IOS) can be set for BGL level alarms (different for night and day if required), snooze alarms, alarms for very fast change in BGL, etc.
    You can also set the alarm volume. Calibration is also possible and easy.
    xDrip links to my watch and I can see not only my current BGL, but a graph of the trend. If I'm heading for bad town I can see it in advance.
    The beauty of this system is that the BGL readings are pushed out from the FSL1/MiaoMiao to the phone - I don't have to wave a reader over the sensor.
    I tried the Libre 2 (FSL2) and was underwhelmed. Yes, it had an app that communicated with my phone, but it only alerted me when I was out of range.
    There was no continuous pushing of readings from the FSL2 to the app.
    There was limited control for alarms and alerts so I went back to FSL1.
    With the various MiaoMiaos my HbA1c went from low 7s to mid-high 6s.
    I have progressed to the MiaoMiao 2 and now MiaoMiao 3. Everything is waterproof - I have been in hot tubs, snorkeling to 5m, surfing and all good.
    When skiing in -15C I don't have to get a reader out, wait for it to warm up, and scan - I just look at my watch to see where my BGLs are, and where they are going.
    The statistics in xDrip+ allow me to communicate my BGLs effectively (time in range, CV(SD), etc.) rather that just "How are your sugars ?" reply "OK".
    I use SkinTac wipes before placing a new FSL1. The MiaoMiao3 has adhesive pads for the part the sits on the skin which I use. I do not use the pad that adhere to the FSL1 as I once knocked it and it lifted the FSL1. I use a JustNotaPatch patch over the lot. The MiaoMiao3 charge usually lasts the life of the FSL1.

    As for your dosages my rule is if my BGL creeps up overnight then I'm not having enough long actin insulin, if it drops then I need to reduce it.
    When skiing, hiking, etc. for several days/weeks I drop my long acting insulin by 30-50% depending on the level of activity.
    The short acting dosage is based on what you eat with a little recognition of activity levels.

    Hope this helps...


  • 19.  RE: Libre

    Posted 17-04-2022 18:18

    Well so much for my first post. Abbott have announced that the Freestyle Libre 1 (FSL1)is being end-of lifed.
    I have tried the Libre 2 (FSL2) but whilst the actual device seems OK, the integration of the devie and Abbott's app is nowhere as useful a tool as FSL1, nor the MiaoMiao/xDrip+ solution I have been using for many years.
    I have tried Dexcom 5 three times and the rep can't get it to work. It was bulkier than the FSL1/MiaoMiao.
    I use multiple daily injections and am happy to continue doing so. My HbA1c is mid-high 6s, time in range 75-80, CV 30-33% and I'm happy with that.
    I play sport, hike, travel and whilst there's always the unexpected hypo or hyper I'm prepared to deal with it.
    So what do I want in a CGM solution ? Not the sensor but the whole ecosystem of sensors, apps, and whatever else is needed to make useful.
    * Ability to calibrate
    * Good statistics so I get an honesty check on my management
    * BGL values pushed to my phone and watch at short intervals (5 mins), not having to be pulled out by swiping a reader.
    * Alerts for high, low, rapid change, with an option for night/day alert levels.
    * Ability to work in extreme tempertures - skiing, hiking

    I have communicated with Abbott about my FSL2 experience (very underwhelming - both the experience and the response). Whilst the device announcement sounded great, the implementation was not useful.
    So I am interested what others are doing with CGM implementation for T1s using MDI .

    Look forward to your comments.


  • 20.  RE: Libre

    Posted 17-04-2022 20:24
    I just picked up 2 packs of Freestyle Libre, to find the pharmacist had given me the old ones, not the series 2. There is very little difference in the packs unless you look carefully, so I fitted it to have it tell me it is the wrong sensor. I wish Abbott would change the design so it is clearer as well as make it much easier to open, as with my arthritis I have to get a friend to open the pack. 

  • 21.  RE: Libre

    Posted 17-04-2022 21:03
    Hi Roger. Your comments on L1 and L2 are interesting. I changed from L1 to Dexcom 5 in March 2021 then to Dexcom 6 in March this year (Dexcom 5 was end of lifed from 1 March this year). I recently used a Libre 1 for 2 weeks as I had it as a spare backup in case the G5 or G6 failed while I was out of town and needed a quick replacement.
    The only advantage of the Libre as I see it is that it shows the history on the reader ( I dont use a phone).
    Overall I much prefer the Dexcom even though it is fiddlier to apply. The support from AMSL/Dexcom is amazing 24/7, even over holidays like Easter and Christmas. Having constant monitoring is so much better than having to swipe to get readings and the alarms are great.
    I dont think I would go back to Libre. 
    I have never had a problem with either Libre or Dexcom in terms of them staying on.
    I use MDIs and still fingerprick at mealtimes/insulin dosing. I am a bit of a control freak and I like to be sure, even though the G6 is pretty accurate and readings are usually within .5mm. (except for the first 12 hours or so, but the Libre is pretty rubbish for the first few hours too, at least on me anyway)

    With today's announcements we will all have access to CGMs/FGMs now. More power to us!!!


  • 22.  RE: Libre

    Posted 18-04-2022 18:16
    My issue with Dexcom was the bulk and the fact that after 3 attempts it just didn't work.
    I get that they could make it work but the bulk was an issue.
    My biggest go to friend in all of this is xDrip on my Android phone and watch.
    When I run out of FSL1, and if FSL2 is not supported on xDrip, then I'll go back to looking at Dexcom, their apps, and integration with xDrip.
    I only finger prick to calibrate my FSL1 on xDrip at start, and again after a few days.
    I put my next FSL1 on about 12 hours before the current one runs out to let it soak before I activate it as it deliver more stable BGLs from start.
    I just hope the political announcements around CGM subsidies are well considered for good diabetic outcomes rather than just vote collecting.
