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Always ask a second question.

  • 1.  Always ask a second question.

    Posted 10-05-2020 10:13

    I have been a brittle T1 since January 1973. In 1997, with Diabetic retinopathy, I was told by my Macquarie St Ophalmologist that I would be blind within 12 months. I asked the usual question - "Is there anything you can do?" To which he replied "No".I asked a second question "Is there anything you would like to try?" 6 months later after what he tried, completely bulk-billed, he called his Receptionist and said to cancel all of his appointments that day as he was going home to crack a bottle of champagne and told me I should too.
    that was more than 23 years ago, and I can still see good enough to drive. Remember to ask that second question.


  • 2.  RE: Always ask a second question.

    Posted 10-05-2020 12:26
    Good on you Gary, way to go 😀


  • 3.  RE: Always ask a second question.

    Posted 11-05-2020 18:36
    I had the same prognosis in 1993 from Dr Paul Beaumont. His approach was different though. He asked me what I ate. My wife is of Italian stock and we ate what I thought was a very healthy Mediterranean diet. That was until I told him. He told me that from then on I was going to eat fish. Fish, fish, fish. And moreover, it had to be oily fish. Salmon, tuna, mackerel etc. that and ground linseeds, Brazil nuts (4 kernels/day) for Selenium, Zinc Vit C, walnuts etc. net effect, another 25 years passed before any further sign of minor retinopathy.

    Kind regards to all



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    CRICOS IPC 00279B

  • 4.  RE: Always ask a second question.

    Posted 12-05-2020 19:25
    Hi, my name is Bev & was diagnosed Type 1 in 1968 when I was 20.
    I have lived in Dubbo over 20 years.
    I understand when I read about brittle readings, as I can be going along fine, then for no apparent reason my readings will be high for quite a few days.
    I’m always adjusting my insulin doses in a bid to lower the readings.
    Then out of the blue, I’ll start having hypos again.
    I eat pretty much the same each day ( except for birthday’s
    etc) & go for walks daily.
    I’m having an operation on my Retina in Sydney at the end of the month, so there goes the control again.
    I’m always interested in what other type 1s have to say regarding ways to manage blood sugars, especially when having an op.
    Thanks 🤗

    Sent from my iPhone

  • 5.  RE: Always ask a second question.

    Posted 28-05-2020 10:12
    The pump can be very helpful when having an operation as a way to control your sugar levels. I recently had a cancer lump removed and kept my pump on throughout the operation. The anaesthetist also took a BGL once or twice. I think I reduced my basal rate by about 50% and everything went well. I hope all goes  well with your operation Beverley. 😊


  • 6.  RE: Always ask a second question.

    Posted 12-05-2020 19:25

    Hi Gary
    what was it that  your specialist tried that was so successful? 


  • 7.  RE: Always ask a second question.

    Posted 13-05-2020 11:45
    He had been reading of studies over the globe that suggested that if you create enough of a trauma in your eyes, they will start to heal themselves. Your eyes stop healing themselves by about the age of 30, so it is downhill after that. He cauterised all the problems associated with Retinopathy - 4300 laser burns later and my eyes started to heal themselves


  • 8.  RE: Always ask a second question.

    Posted 13-05-2020 13:25
    Thanks for letting me know.


  • 9.  RE: Always ask a second question.

    Posted 05-06-2020 17:44
    Having had many retinal cauterisations, all I can say is "Ouch!"

    That is the worst pain I have ever experienced.


  • 10.  RE: Always ask a second question.

    Posted 05-06-2020 17:58
    I hope that by now you are not receiving laser treatment.

    I get injections (relatively painless) every 3 months to prevent the neo-vascularisation of proliferate retinopathy. That way, one retains one's eyesight rather than burning away the retinal cells using laser pulses.


    David McKinnon

  • 11.  RE: Always ask a second question.

    Posted 11-06-2020 09:59
    As my Opthamologist's guinea pig, we tried all sorts of pain relief. Injections in my eye or arm, which didn't work but my wife taught me pain relief by breathing, as in childbirth and that worked.


  • 12.  RE: Always ask a second question.

    Posted 13-05-2020 13:25
    Great news story, especially as we experience new technologies and techniques everyday and agree ask questions and keep asking.
