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Freestyle Libre

  • 1.  Freestyle Libre

    Posted 13-05-2020 10:15
    Hi everyone I love my Libre. Makes life so easy. Can test as many times as I like. My Hba1c has improved since I’ve had it and now I can go on long walks without worrying. Also it’s easier at work as I’m a nurse and can just test easily and efficiently. Is anyone else using it.

  • 2.  RE: Freestyle Libre

    Posted 13-05-2020 13:11
    Hi Catherine, I love my Libre Sensors.... so convenient and now I no longer have to prick my fingers 8 times a day. I get some strange reading sometimes and usually check with a blood test for a very high or low reading. Otherwise all good. I wear mine on the back of the upper arm and forget it is there until I bump into a door way. My CDE advisors to make the reading accurate to ensure I keep well hydrated at all times.


  • 3.  RE: Freestyle Libre

    Posted 13-05-2020 13:12
    Hi Catherine
    I am currently using the Libre in association with my TSlim pump until their new CGM is released.  I agree it is excellent due to its simplicity and volume of data it provides if only it could Bluetooth to my pump then it would be amazing to avoid overnight hypos. The new CGM apparently will switch off the pump should blood glucose drop too low.  Having recently lost my sensitivity to lows the auto cut off feature is something I am looking forward to avoid any future seizures during the night.  Also it would be nice if the devices were on the free list for everyone or at least claim as a medical tax expense.


  • 4.  RE: Freestyle Libre

    Posted 13-05-2020 17:31
    Hi Michael yes I miss out on getting the freestyle free too. I tried the cam but the freestyle is just so much easier and less painful I think.

  • 5.  RE: Freestyle Libre

    Posted 14-05-2020 09:12
    Hi all.... started using Libre for first time 3 weeks ago....I am extremely pleased with the information it provides, and it reveals my HbA1C profile throughout the day. I am surprised that the Levemir I have been using seems to only have an effectiveness for about 8 hours, and not the 11 or 12hrs I had been thinking. Will need to revisit my diabetes educator soon.

  • 6.  RE: Freestyle Libre

    Posted 14-05-2020 10:27
    Hi Everyone,
                                 I have been Type 1 Diabetic since 1987 and have been using the Freestyle Libre for the past 12-18 months. It has been the best change to my diabetic care that has happened in 33yrs. It has taken the worry out of stopping to have a finger test at any time. I can test with the app on my phone ANYWHERE AND ANYTIME. It puts my mind at ease, taking away some stresses from living daily with diabetes. 
                              None of my sensors have fallen off or failed to work. I have found that it takes some awareness of how fast the sensors shows a true reading sometimes according to digestion of certain foods etc  I have had LOW readings and then overcompensated with food because the reading stayed LOW for a long time. I am used to this now though.
                            The APP features are very useful. The graph, daily patterns , time in target, average glucose etc help me to concentrate on certain areas of my lifestyle and diet to improve my overall control. My HBA1C has been improving.  My wife also is linked to my app and receives reading on her phone when I test. My Endocrinologist is also linked to my records and see my results when we meet.
                              The only downside is the cost. I am a self funded retiree and do not receive any discounts or benefits etc. It would be great if the sensors were put on the PBS  or NDSS scheme for ALL diabetics.


  • 7.  RE: Freestyle Libre

    Posted 14-05-2020 11:06

    Hello yes I like the Hba1c reading too. However I've found that it is higher than my blood hb. I was 7.3 on the app but really 6.7 on the blood test. 

    I do think it helps with micro managing and working out in the day where you could improve. 


  • 8.  RE: Freestyle Libre

    Posted 14-05-2020 10:26
    Hi Catherine, I to am very impressed with the Libre sensor.  Without my knowledge or the Doctors I have been going low whilst asleep because of the 24 hour insulin.  Now the sensor is recording whilst I am asleep we can see what is taking place 24/7 and adjust.

    Regards Don

  • 9.  RE: Freestyle Libre

    Posted 14-05-2020 15:40
    I use it and its fantastic.   Have 2 weeks on and 2 weeks off.  Too expensive for full time plus I do get a bit of a sore arm.  
    There is sometimes quite a difference between the finger prick and CGM device, particularly when blood sugars changing rapidly.
    Great for night time monitoring although my iPhone has face recognition and in the middle of the night I don't look the same so it has trouble recognising me!!!


  • 10.  RE: Freestyle Libre

    Posted 14-05-2020 19:36

    Lol Ian. 

    I never wear mine in my arm. The best place is on the thigh. Never fails and you don't knock it off. 


  • 11.  RE: Freestyle Libre

    Posted 14-05-2020 21:19
    Sorry but i can't imagine anywhere on my thigh that would work.
    They are terrific though.
    i'm doing a lot of monitoring at the moment as I find of a morning, even before i get up, that my blood sugar starts going up rapidly.  6 to 10 to 15.  first thing i do before i get out of bed is to have 4 units just to stop the rise.  before eating breakfast I then have another 13.  It still goes up but not too much.  Then by about 11am it has come down to within range.
    Can't do this without a CGM


  • 12.  RE: Freestyle Libre

    Posted 14-05-2020 15:40
    Hi Catherine 
    Like Barry I started using libre for the first time a few weeks back and love how easy it is to get bgl's when at out and about. Having all info on your phone and the graphs etc are very useful in understanding and improving Basal and Bolus doses. I have been using it to check my 24 hour basal rates which has been great tool and wasn't planning on using it ongoing due to cost but will find it hard to give it up.


  • 13.  RE: Freestyle Libre

    Posted 15-05-2020 14:52
    Have had the libre since last July and find it very useful. The extra bits on the reader and using the software on the computer help enormously. When first used them had one or two sensors read false lows during the first 12 hours but then stabilised,  so usually wait a bit longer than hour before first using so has plenty of time to stabilise. Also had one stop for no reason but they sent me a replacement and were most helpful over the phone.  The numbers are always about 15 mins behind the times ie the blood glucose level so this is where the arrows are most helpful because I can then judge roughly how much lower or higher my blood could be and whether I need to check the bgl and/or prevent a hypo. If it is roughly stable then the numbers are often identical. Not having to fingerprick so often is one of the best things about it also knowing what happens when you sleep as I found I do have a bit of a dip around 3am so try to make sure I am a reasonable level before i go to sleep. Also found I have the morning spike from when I wake until I get downstairs for breakfast roughly fifteen minutes I can have shot up by 2 or 3 and often peak around 15 after breakfast before I walk the dog and it comes back down.


  • 14.  RE: Freestyle Libre

    Posted 17-05-2020 08:06
    Love the libre also.

    I use a blucon transmitter with mine that sends the readings to my phone every 5 mins, no need for scanning and can get low/high alerts when asleep ect... Highly recommend doing this.


  • 15.  RE: Freestyle Libre

    Posted 17-05-2020 19:37
    This blucon transmitter sounds good.
    When I wake up during the night and go to use my iPhone to get a reading from my CGM the phone has facial recognition and it doesn’t recognise me!!!


  • 16.  RE: Freestyle Libre

    Posted 17-05-2020 21:08
    The Libre + blucon has been a game changer for me in terms of diabetes management. No facial recognition required when you have your reading on the phone lock screen and on your watch.

    There is also another transmitter called the miaomiao, I have bought one but haven't had a chance to try it out yet, works in the same manner as the blucon.


  • 17.  RE: Freestyle Libre

    Posted 08-09-2020 13:59
    Hi Patrick,

    Where did you buy the Blucon from?   How do you affix the Blucon to the Libre?  With the armband they sell on the US website, or with tape?

    Are you using a smart watch (Apple or Android), or just your phone for alerts?

    I've had a couple of overnight Hypo's in the last month - I slept through one of them which my Libre showed as Low only for 3 hours - no #, so it must have been really bad - Being woken up for this would have been a good idea!



  • 18.  RE: Freestyle Libre

    Posted 08-09-2020 16:04
    Hi Patrick. It is a good idea. I bought mine from America but am not using it. I am willing to sell it to you for less than I bought it for. Cheers Cathy


  • 19.  RE: Freestyle Libre

    Posted 21-09-2020 13:40
    Cathy - you'll be happy to know the Blucon is working perfectly!  My best purchase of 2020 by far!



  • 20.  RE: Freestyle Libre

    Posted 08-09-2020 19:23
    Hi Phil,

    You can get the blucon from here https://www.ambrosiasys.com/ however I
    have been testing the MIAOMIAO2 for the last few months and I actually
    find it better than the blucon. It's more expensive but it's got a built
    in rechargeable battery which I find better than buying batteries all
    the time. It's also more stable and has the ability to read some history
    from the sensor. Here is the link for the MIAOMIAO2

    For keeping the blucon/MIAMIAO in place I just use the tubular bandage
    around my upper arm like this

    I find this is the most comfortable for me as I'm very active and I was
    worried about the device falling out of the strap/armband while I'm
    running/ridding my bike.

    I'm using an android phone and garmin watch. The app I use is called
    xdrip+ and you can set custom alerts for different times of the day. It
    would definitely help you with the overnight hypos. I have the opposite
    problem at the moment and find I'm waking up to take insulin at 3am.


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  • 21.  RE: Freestyle Libre

    Posted 21-09-2020 13:38
    Hi Patrick,

    2 nights of using Cathy's Blucon have been excellent.  

    On the first night I was able to confirm that the alarm feature does work.  Having an apple juice Popper at 3am headed off the hypo - in fact, it didn't record as one in the Libre, even though the scan showed 3.7, and was definitely trending down.  

    Thanks again for sharing your experience - without it, I wouldn't have known about these devices - at least until reading this months Circle magazine!



  • 22.  RE: Freestyle Libre

    Posted 21-05-2020 10:59
    I was diagnosed 9 months ago, and ordered my first Libre after 5 days of finger pricking.  I couldn't hack it.  I must seem like a lightweight to longtime T1'ers.

    Yes, the cost is high.  I've given up a few things to be able to afford it - I'd rather have  Blood Sugar control  than 2 cups of coffee from a cafe every day.



  • 23.  RE: Freestyle Libre

    Posted 21-05-2020 13:38
    Lol Phil. I tested my blood for 35 years before Libre. Before that I used gut instinct (there was urine tests but you didn't take them to school).


  • 24.  RE: Freestyle Libre

    Posted 26-05-2020 17:28
    That is something I'm thankful I didn't have to go through.  I can't imagine a urine test 7 times a day.  Yikes!


  • 25.  RE: Freestyle Libre

    Posted 22-05-2020 11:54
    Yes, Phil, there have been many significant developments in over 50 years of managing diabetes. I used to boil a glass syringe to sterilise it. I also used to drop a few drops of urine into a glass test tube and then add a tablet which reacted with the urine to indicate the glucose level. If I recall, green was normal and orange was high, with varying shades in between. The results were recorded manually in a log book.
    For a teenage girl, it was all very undignified. Thankfully, technology has replaced these procedures. The first blood glucose machine I had was an Ames, and as big as a brick!!
    Enjoy the advances and here's hoping for many more such as a smaller indiscreet pump!! I wish.

  • 26.  RE: Freestyle Libre

    Posted 26-05-2020 17:28
    Glass syringes, sterilising, and urine tests.  We have advanced along way - and I'm sure there will be more to come.

    Imagine in another 50 years talking about Libre's, and people scoffing at how difficult and ancient they sound - let's hope so!


  • 27.  RE: Freestyle Libre

    Posted 27-05-2020 11:33
    Hi Catherine, I have used the Libre glucose monitor a few times over the last couple of years and have certainly enjoyed the benefits. I find it too expensive to use all the time though. I'm starting a new job on Monday so I have ordered a couple which is exciting. The app is not compatible with my phone so I keep threatening my husband I'll pinch his mobile. I have found when you insert and cause a bleed the sensor can be inaccurate so probably something to be aware of in case it happens.


  • 28.  RE: Freestyle Libre

    Posted 27-05-2020 19:15
    Hi Kim,
    The Libre CGM is fantastic.
    Best if you can get it linked to a phone.
    Apple 7 or above i understand.
    You can get even more information and its easy to use.
    Borrow your husbands phone...
