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Apologises for email issue

  • 1.  Apologises for email issue

    Posted 13-12-2022 17:20
    Edited by Diabetes Australia 13-12-2022 20:53

    Hi Members,

    Our apologises over the last couple of days we have had an issue within the forum which meant that the daily email was not being sent.

    This has now been rectified with the providers of the platform and we have subscribed everyone to receive the consolidated daily digest email. This means you will get one email regardless of how many forums you are a part of.  If you had previously unsubscribed from receiving these, this should still be the case.

    We know there are some members who prefer to receive the daily or weekly digest and had previously updated their notification settings within the forum to something other than the consolidated daily digest email.

    Here is how you reset:

    1. 1) Top right corner select the drop-down arrow (next to your image if you have one)
    2. 2) Select profile
    3. 3) Select My Account
    4. 4) Select Forum Notifications
    5. 5) In the forum you wish to receive the email from select from drop down box (under discussion email) either Real Time, Daily Digest or No Email and then on the right hand side select the tick box for either consolidated daily digest (this means you will get an consolidated daily email taking in all the forums you belong to) or consolidated weekly digest (as previous but you will receive only once weekly)
    6. Again, we are sorry for this inconvenience. If you need help setting your email notifications, please email us at community@diabetesaustralia.com.au and let us know your preferences and we will fix it for you.


    Kind regards,

    Community Team
    Natasha, Erin and Ange