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B &D and Novo 4mm needle supply

  • 1.  B &D and Novo 4mm needle supply

    Posted 17-10-2022 18:23

    Hi all,

            I have been unable to get 4mm needles for 2 weeks,  Pharmacy advised absence of supplies from warehouse,  Warehouse does not know when stocks will be received,  Now using 5mm whichever brand I can get.




    Sent from Mail for Windows


  • 2.  RE: B &D and Novo 4mm needle supply

    Posted 23-10-2022 08:37
    Edited by David 25-10-2022 17:50
    Hello Del

    One has to wonder about the purpose of Diabetes Australia and the NDSS that they apparently can't organise to inform chemists and Type 1 diabetics about the details of the ongoing supply shortage of, not just novo 4mm pen tips but in some cases, chemists have virtually no stock of pen tip at all.

    I am in Northern Rivers NSW and my local chemist informed me they were having trouble getting any pen tips at all and they only had a few boxes of 8mm. I rang Diabetes Australia/NSW and was informed that there was an unknown supply shortage, no idea why it occurred or when it would be resolved. When I told the individual that my local chemist said they were having difficulty obtaining pen needles in general, the person I was talking to said that it was because my chemist was probably using the wrong wholesaler... there were several wholesalers and not all had supplies. I said that this was a serious concern and the person agreed that the supply problem was a concern. I suggested that I might get in touch with the local state and federal politicians and they said that it probably wouldn't do any good.

    After shopping around several chemists in a larger town I have managed to obtain a supply of BD 4mm needles. I was told by some that they are not having trouble getting BD but Novo are unavailable, other chemists said they were having trouble getting any pen needles at all.

    My question to diabetes Australia/NSW and the NDSS is why are you not informing your registered Type 1 Diabetics about what is happening and why it is happening and what you are doing to resolve the problem? It is not good enough to just let people discover for themselves that there is a shortage of supplies and it is not good enough to not provide chemists with the correct information for them to all be able to obtain an ongoing supply of pen tips.

    What is the point of the NDSS and the various Diabetes bureaucratic bodies if they can't manage the basic function of securing continuity of supply of consumables for Type 1 diabetics? Why are Type 1 diabetics not informed by letter or email or phone that there is an issue and provided with information on how they are able to manage the problem to obtain a vital life-saving component of their daily routine?

    My advice to you Del is to go shopping around some different chemists and see what you can find, BD 4 mm and some other brands seem to be available to some chemists but not all.

    Good Luck

    David B.

  • 3.  RE: B &D and Novo 4mm needle supply

    Posted 23-10-2022 10:32
    I had a similar problem with 5mm pen needles a while ago and was told after contacting NDSS that there was no supply issue but still my regular pharmacy couldn't get any for me.

    I have signed up for https://stripped.supply/ which is a paid subscription but I reckon it is worth the cost for the peace of mind and avoiding the anxiety! I also get my Freestyle libre sensors so I know when they will arrive and don't have to worry if my pharmacy has stock!

    Martin (type 1 IDDM since 2000)

  • 4.  RE: B &D and Novo 4mm needle supply

    Posted 23-10-2022 15:39
    Thanks Martin for your advice.  I am very lucky my local Pharmacy is always able to supply my sensors the next day at approx. 11 am when they arrive from the Sydney warehouse.  They are very aware of the supply problem and doing what they can to maintain supply.  I am having no problem adjusting to 5mm size but will revert back when 4mm supply available

    Regards Del


  • 5.  RE: B &D and Novo 4mm needle supply

    Posted 24-10-2022 08:25
    Hi David I have been having issues for over a month here in Queensland trying to scource Novo 4mm did get a box of BD 4mm now they are scarce so rang Novo and they couldn’t give me a date as to when they would be available ?
    Sent from my iPad

  • 6.  RE: B &D and Novo 4mm needle supply

    Posted 03-11-2022 23:53
    It isn't Diabetes Aus's job to find the needle stocks for a pharmacy, it is any business's job to buy or chase supplies from their distributors, or go to a different supplier. I believe B & D manufactures in the USA, as not much is made here in Aus these days, so that doesn't help us.

    Paul D

  • 7.  RE: B &D and Novo 4mm needle supply

    Posted 24-10-2022 13:10
    The sales department of the needle manufacturers says to only use a needle once, making it very expensive for our government, with some people having 6 or 8 injections daily. Independent testing has found no infections from multiple uses [& the needles are still sharp enough even after 10 uses].  Reusing will save our government money to spend more on more badly needed research & help the supply shortage.

    Paul D

  • 8.  RE: B &D and Novo 4mm needle supply

    Posted 24-10-2022 19:17
    I use my needles more than once and find that it doesn't cause any problems.


  • 9.  RE: B &D and Novo 4mm needle supply

    Posted 25-10-2022 07:47
    Hi there,
    A question to those of you who have experience with reusing needles: Do you leave them in the pen or take them out and reattach for every use?
    I, too, have noticed supply issues and want to make the stock that I’ve got last longer. (I’m on five injections a day, and sometimes need a top up in between.)

    Sent from my iPad

  • 10.  RE: B &D and Novo 4mm needle supply

    Posted 26-10-2022 05:36
    Hi Delma - I have always reused my needles- When I start a new pen I screw on a new needle and that generally last until the pen is empty-and yes I leave the needle attached and without the small pink cover . Over 45 years of this routine and no problems ! And very economical on needles !!!!


  • 11.  RE: B &D and Novo 4mm needle supply

    Posted 26-10-2022 13:13
    To Elizabeth and all in the group,
    In regards to the needles, I have for a long time used 1 needle for the whole day, I also use five injections plus a day.
    I do leave the needle on the pen for the day.
    I have not had any problem doing that.
    So in the short term, it can be the solution to the needle shortage.
    Happy injection time.


  • 12.  RE: B &D and Novo 4mm needle supply

    Posted 26-10-2022 13:32
    Other advantages of re-using are less waste to store/dispose of, and less to manage when travelling.

    Geoffrey A

  • 13.  RE: B &D and Novo 4mm needle supply

    Posted 26-10-2022 08:17
    Hi Elisbeth

    I only change the needles if they hurt or I bend one due to dropping the pen, etc. That is very rare. Maybe one in 20 pens or so. I don't sterilise or remove the needles. Never had a problem. I'm on fairly small doses so the needles get a lot of use before the pens run out. Never had a problem.  Coconut oil might be an idea for people that have tough skin. It is also antiseptic(lauric acid). So that might be an idea for people that are concerned about infection.


  • 14.  RE: B &D and Novo 4mm needle supply

    Posted 26-10-2022 08:40
    Hi everyone!

    I've had no problems using one needle-tip per day for my novorapid and one for my optisulin.  I leave them on my pens to avoid possible damage.  I have noticed a slight resistance going into the skin if I have used it five or six times but haven't had any noticeable damage to my skin.



  • 15.  RE: B &D and Novo 4mm needle supply

    Posted 28-10-2022 10:54

    I have re-used my pen needles every since Pens came onto the Diabetes medication list.  I don't take them off and simply put pen and needle into the sharps box when the pen has finished.  If the needle bends when administering an injection then I change them and always carry a couple of extra needles with my insulin pen.



    Penny Wilson

    M:  0419 436 733


  • 16.  RE: B &D and Novo 4mm needle supply

    Posted 25-10-2022 18:56
    I agree with Jennifer, if you are having trouble getting the 4mm needle supply, I would keep using the same needle for the day, that wil save some. Even try the 6mm or the 8mm they will not kill you. Using the same needle more than once will not kill you either. Rember and hopefully it is only for a short time. Then main issue is for your Diabetes to remain constant. I have personally tried using the needle more than once a few times, and I'm still here.

     However it is frustrating when asking the pharmacy when they will get some more and the answer is a very casual "Don't know" I then asked have you tried a different supplier the answer was, we only use one supplier. So I told them that they could be responcible for my life and great complications if they din't try a bit harder.
    Cheers Anita

  • 17.  RE: B &D and Novo 4mm needle supply

    Posted 25-10-2022 07:48
    Thank you Paul D for breaking that ice.  I still use "single use" syringes.  A box of 100 lasts me for several years because I reuse each syringe for a week or two.   When it starts to buckle on entering the vial, it time to change.

    On a good day, I would have two injections per day but as I age, it's increasing to about three  or four/five on a bad day .

    NDIS  swapped my usual syringe a while ago for  syringes with smaller, thiner needles which don't last as long.  They supply one free box a year free, so if I didn't reuse them, I would have to buy many boxes.

    I've been doing this for well over 40 years and have never had an infection.

    But, people need to make their own choices and accept the risk of reuse.



  • 18.  RE: B &D and Novo 4mm needle supply

    Posted 25-10-2022 07:56
    I now usually use pens rather than syringes.  I use the pen needles until they don't enter the skin easily, or cause bruising.  I leave the needle on the pen between uses.  I typically use the needle about 40-50 times.  I have never had an infection.  

    Many years ago when still using syringes I discussed re-use with my then Endo.  He said that he supported re-use, although that wasn't the prevailing attitude.

    Geoffrey A


  • 19.  RE: B &D and Novo 4mm needle supply

    Posted 25-10-2022 09:01
    The reason you don't reuse needles is not bad glyceamic control, infection, or any of the other reasons so far listed on this forum. It's also not a gimmick from the "sales department".
    It's lipohypertrophy.

    From https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/27297374/;
    "Five cross-sectional studies showed an association between lipohypertrophy and needle reuse (risk difference=0.16, 95% confidence interval=0.05-0.28, P=0.006)"

    Do I personally re-use needles? Yes, but max 2-3 uses. Re-use is convenient, but there is a genuine correlation to a bad health outcome.

    I also dispute the statement that subcutaneous needles are expensive for the Australian government to subsidise (although I will admit that this is difficult to get data on). Novo want their insulin used - that's where they make their money - and I would expect they would be providing significant discount (if not almost free) to Aus Gov initiatives, also given Gov's buying quantity. Much like when you phone up the BG metre companies and they send you out whatever free metre you ask for, because they want you using it and buying the test strips.


  • 20.  RE: B &D and Novo 4mm needle supply

    Posted 25-10-2022 14:47


    I note a couple of members who reuse needles frequently also leave them attached to the syringe,  When I first became diabetic 58 and a half years ago, my specialist Dr. Paul Moffatt strongly advised not to do this. and from time to time would check that this was not happening.  I know this was a long time ago and maybe it causes no problem.  Will double check with my Endo regarding this.


    Regards Del

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  • 21.  RE: B &D and Novo 4mm needle supply

    Posted 25-10-2022 15:56
    The main cause of lipohypertrophy [lumpy bumps on injection sites] is continuing injections too close together. Always rotate the sites & there should be few problems.       A pack of 100 needles I believe costs about $40, so if someone needs 7 per day or 200 a month, that will cost about $960 a year, unless the government pays a lot less. We had better start paying a lot of taxes to help the states & Feds with their generous subsidies for our health. Hopefully, science will find an easy diabetes cure in the coming years.
    Regards, Paul.

  • 22.  RE: B &D and Novo 4mm needle supply

    Posted 25-10-2022 17:27
    Hi Del,
    It's incredible to read about someone who's also seen Professor Moffat, such an amazing doctor. I was living in Newcastle over 40 years ago and saw him a number of times at the hospital. What I remember so well was his straight from the hip attitude, saying to a group of Type1's exactly what happens when smoking is combined with having Type1 diabetes. 
    Thankfully, Diabetes Australia has fought long and hard for needles to be free under the health system so we didn't have to reuse needles, injected into our bodies and then have them sitting around for hours to gather bacteria 🦠 in the heat of the summer. We do not have to justify the expense of changing our needles to anyone or feel guilty about having a hygienic procedure.  Diabetes Australia. I'm sure will always advocate for members to have the highest sanitary standards for its members.


  • 23.  RE: B &D and Novo 4mm needle supply

    Posted 25-10-2022 17:59

    Thanks Michael for your thoughts which I am in agreement with. 


    I don't know if you are aware but Dr. Moffatt developed Diabetes a few years ago and was on insulin.  After doing so much on making life easier for Type 1 he then experienced it first hand the injections/diet etc.  I went to his Funeral and it was an entertaining few hours when the family and medical colleagues related stories regarding his career and the times, like all of us, when it was a case of "Iam going to have it anyway"


    I feel lucky that I got to meet him and be under his care.


    Regards Del



    Sent from Mail for Windows


  • 24.  RE: B &D and Novo 4mm needle supply

    Posted 26-10-2022 13:48
    Hi all,   Hopefully this issue with the 4mm needles is only temporary. Because there is short supply of the product I don't think it will kill us to use the needles more than once, just to minimise the demand, but not having any needles means no injections that could be a bit of a problem. So please everyone do what you can to keep YOUR supply up best you can. I feel that we have to resort to common sence.
    However there are more than one brand of 4mm needles, and there are also 5mm, 6mm and 8mm, you might have to sacrifice you standard from 4mm to what ever you can get for a while. How does that sound for common sence.
    Cheers Anita

  • 25.  RE: B &D and Novo 4mm needle supply

    Posted 26-10-2022 09:29
    Morning all, 
    I have always used the same needles, I leave them on the vials untill I need to change them.  Most of the time I would use 2 new needles per 3ml pen. 
    Never had any dramas. 
    Cheers Kaz

  • 26.  RE: B &D and Novo 4mm needle supply

    Posted 26-10-2022 11:13
    Hi members,

    Thanks for your engaging conversations on the forum.

    With regard to the 4mm needle supply, please follow this link to the NDSS website:


    Remember there is always the National NDSS helpline that you can call with regard to product supply: 1800 637 700 

    Hope where ever you are today you are keeping safe and dry.

    Take care, Ange.

    Community Team
    Natasha, Erin and Ange

  • 27.  RE: B &D and Novo 4mm needle supply

    Posted 26-10-2022 13:37
    Hi Community Team,
    It's concerning the lack of supply for the needles however  the risks Type1's are will to take reusing their needles is alarming and requires further discussion. Maybe, there are further studies to that discuss this issue. Further, although  it seems apparent most medical  professionals would certainly not encourage reusing needles there are a number of members who seem to advocate reusing needles for various reasons.
    I used to reuse my needles as a teenager and boiled my needles in water every morning before school to sterilise them. These needles were meant for reuse and there was no other available  choices. They certainly became blunt and I remember sharpening them with a fine file which did not work and left massive lumps on my legs. Today, we certainly do not have to reuse our needles thanks to Diabetes Australia and hopefully I will never have to go through the ordeal again. 
    Below, highlighted, is a fairly current article about reusing needles by diabetes UK, written byAmar Singh on January 15, 2019 · Last reviewed on June 10, 2022

    "Insulin pen needles are intended for single use only but it is known that a significant proportion of people with diabetes do re-use needles.

    People with diabetes ultimately have the choice of whether they wish to re-use needles for injections This article reviews evidence from research studies to help you make an informed decision about re-use of pen needles

    Whilst this guide refers to insulin pen needles, the same principles will also apply to pen needles for injections of incretin mimetics such as Byetta and Victoza.

    What are the risks involved in reusing needles?

    Reusing insulin pen needles could increase the following:

    • Bacterial growth on the needle
    • Likelihood of experiencing pain when injecting
    • Risk of lipohypertrophy (lumpy skin) occurring
    • Risk of the very fine tip of the needle breaking off

    The risks of the above will grow with each re-use.

    Re-use of needles and bacterial growth

    A study carried out at the Moscow Regional Research Clinical Institute found that bacteria were present after injections had been completed and that bacterial growth on needles increased with further re-use.

    Bacteria found on the needles was mainly bacteria found naturally on skin (staphylococcus epidermidis). Whilst this form of bacteria is usually harmless, re-use of needles could increase the risk of contamination of more harmful bacteria.

    Re-using insulin needles and pain

    The fine tip of needles can become slightly distorted with re-use and this can increase the chance of experience pain whilst putting the needle in or taking the needle out.

    If you are experiencing pain when withdrawing the needle, this could well be caused by distortion to the tip of the needle.

    The Moscow study referenced above showed that re-use of needles is associated with more pain.

    The study divided patients into groups that re-used needles and those that didn't. Those that re-used needles in the study communicated higher levels of pain with their last injection"


  • 28.  RE: B &D and Novo 4mm needle supply

    Posted 28-10-2022 15:41
    Hello All,
    It is most interesting reading about various experiences with MDI's and needle re-use.  FYI if not aware, Insupen now have a 33G 4mm needle which is listed on the NDSS site. The 33G is finer than the 32 and even more comfortable to use than 32G. If Novo Fine Plus continue to have issues, these are well worth a try, and maybe Novo might realise that they may be losing a rather large market share.
    It would be nice to hear about these shortages from DA when they occur or are expected to occur. A DA bulk  email to its members  as soon as letters such as the 29 August NDSS newsletter re Novo are received, I am sure would be appreciated by many members. I hope this may be possible and again say thanks for all your assistance.
    Kind regards,


  • 29.  RE: B &D and Novo 4mm needle supply

    Posted 28-10-2022 16:35
    Hi Michael,   I and I feel most of us understand the best way is to not re-use any needles, however with the short supply of them currently and some Pharmacies not being very cooperative,  to temporary reusing, or perhaps change to any of the other sizes if they are available is a good solution. But to me, I would just for now reuse needles if we can't get them. The alternative of no insulin injections isn't a very promising or good alternative. So let's hope that this is only a short time we have to think like this. I have had experience with the local Pharmacy that they are not interested to help out at all. I tried to ask if they could try a different supplier, but their answer was, we only deal with one supplier.
    So I thanked them for their effort and told them I remember them if I get into deep trouble, and will not hesitate to say why I'm in trouble.
    Hopefully, this is only a short time of trouble.


  • 30.  RE: B &D and Novo 4mm needle supply

    Posted 28-10-2022 18:11
    Hi Anita, 
    The shortage of a specific type of needles is no doubt problematic for some diabetics. This of course should never override the safety concerns of reusing single use needles. As stated, there are staggering statistics that up to 60% of diabetics constantly reuse  their needles and it seems  by the members in these  discussions, this also applies to Australia. Diabetes Australia must take a stance on needle reusing, shortage or no shortages, as part of its overall educational platform for diabetics.
    I have had many complications of needle usage and most probably used every length and gauge of needle. Diabetic statistics most probably don't measure infections, lipos, miscalculation of dosages due to crystallised insulin, lumps caused by blunt needles, needle breakage under the skin etc etc. That is why the pharmaceutical companies, medical professionals and hopefully Diabetes's Australia will always promote single usage of needles. It's in all our interests, health and wellbeing.


  • 31.  RE: B &D and Novo 4mm needle supply

    Posted 29-10-2022 00:25
    Michael, I have never had an infection after 69 years of reusing needles & syringes [even boiling them for 5 minutes to resterilize the early ones in 1953. In all these years since 1953 I have NEVER had a needle break off.  I currently use 5mm that has a 31 gauge which is thicker & far less likely to bend. Studies done years ago said there were no infections.  [It could be possible if careless.] I have never had Lipos [lumps] as you won't IF you rotate the injection sites properly around the stomach. You do seem overly concerned but most reusers happen to go along without ANY problems.

  • 32.  RE: B &D and Novo 4mm needle supply

    Posted 29-10-2022 19:28
    Hi Paul,
    69 years a Type1 is amazing with I'm sure many trials and tribulations. Some , like yourself, can  escape complications with reusing needles, however all  major manufacturers of needles stringently state on their websites and packages, single use only. This is for health and safety reasons and backed up by their statistics and health professionals.
    This  Diabetes Australia website has a multitude of diabetics, both type one and two, many with severe long term problems where infections can lead to severe complications. Even those on pumps, which includes many younger Type1's,  underrepresented on this site, should be educated  and always encouraged to use the most sterile, hygienic procedures suggested by the manufacturers and medical professionals.
    Some of us are very fortunate not to get complications from reusing needles or even after having high blood sugars that could  lead to renal, vascular, heart etc etc problems, however this is certainly no excuse not to encourage a high standard of diabetic practice for all.
    This is why after so much discussion on reusing needles it is in the interests of Diabetes Australia to make some acknowledgement on safe procedures using single use needles.


  • 33.  RE: B &D and Novo 4mm needle supply

    Posted 30-10-2022 08:05
    This is an interesting conversation on single use of needles. Paul’s disclosure that he reuses needles is possibly a brave admission. My guess is that many people reuse but don’t admit because of the taboo. I certainly do. As Michael has said the health and manufacturers advice (more money for manufacturers) is one use only and this is obviously optimal but using the same needle for say a day’s needs seems to me to remain responsible and also less waste.

  • 34.  RE: B &D and Novo 4mm needle supply

    Posted 31-10-2022 19:02
    Yes, I reuse my needle for the three daily Novo Rapid injections and the same for my one daily long acting which I change when I finish the vial. I have never had an issue for over 40 years. I agree with the comments that single use only helps the manufacturer and also relieves them of the liability if there is an infection due multiple use.
    Johannes G


  • 35.  RE: B &D and Novo 4mm needle supply

    Posted 01-11-2022 09:19
    Hi there needle enthusiasts,
    I have reused needles on a daily basis for years, usualy 1 needle 3x daily for short acting & 1 other needle for long acting, dispose into sharps container when done, never had any problems.

    No problem with supply B&D 0.3mL 8mm.

    All best

  • 36.  RE: B &D and Novo 4mm needle supply

    Posted 02-11-2022 15:18
      |   view attached
    Hi members,

    For those looking for recommendations on needle use etc. we have been provided with the attached from one of our health professionals.

    Have a lovely day, Ange.

    Community Team
    Natasha, Erin and Ange


    BD - recommendations.pdf   771 KB 1 version

  • 37.  RE: B &D and Novo 4mm needle supply

    Posted 03-11-2022 14:20
    I've noticed that the re-use debate has flared up quite a bit recently in multiple threads, and I thought I would comment with a little bit of perspective (perhaps partially personal perspective, but I like to think it's a mostly objective/factual perspective)...

    I'm an occasional re-user (e.g. if I'm injecting Novorapid (fast-acting) and Optisulin (long-acting) close together time-wise I will use the same needle on both pens, or if I am travelling overseas or unable to get a fresh supply I will re-use once or twice to make my limited stock last a little longer). Best practice is obviously to only use once, but this is general advice in the absence of considering your individual extenuating circumstances (e.g. difficulty changing needles for mobility/vision reasons) and it is also a personal decision what risks you are willing to accept for convenience or environmental considerations or any other motivation.

    Personally, I think the infection risks of re-use are fairly minimal - think of how many times you have had a medically-significant infection or other noteworthy complication from getting a splinter or a rose thorn prick while gardening. This is when the skin of your hands is covered in dirt and compost/manure versus a fairly clean and dry patch of belly skin, being "injected" by a non-sterile and porous "needle" much blunter than a moderately-used steel medical needle, and usually having it under the skin for longer than a count of 10, and most likely leaving small portions of the material under the skin once it is removed. Everything involved in the situation is waaaaay worse than the worst insulin injection you've ever done and yet you nearly always have no significant negative outcomes from a splinter. In fact, clinical studies have found that even with well-re-used needles, microbial contamination is almost non-existent and reported infections of injection sites are startlingly low, while modelling and simulation studies show that it is highly unlikely that a needle will encounter and inject/collect skin microbes during use (see, for example, https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/apm.13230). In fact, the WHO found a while ago that disinfection of perceptibly clean skin before subcutaneous injections is ineffective and unnecessary - I have even noticed that none of the medicos swabbed my skin before any of my COVID vaccinations (4 so far at 2 or 3 different practices). The two main risks seem to be: mechanical tissue damage due to bent/bluntened/barbed needle tips and loss of the smooth silicon coating of the needle which may cause pain and irritation and lumps/scars and maybe impact the absorption pattern of your insulin; and dosage inaccuracy due to clogging or micro-overdosing with residual crystallised insulin. With only low-numbers of re-uses, changing the needle well before I notice any side-effects like pain/bruising/swelling, flushing the needle with a unit or two of insulin before re-injecting, and not relying solely on my calculated dosage to know if I have the right insulin balance in my body, I feel personally satisfied that I have minimised these complications to a risk level I am personally willing to accept. And as a little more perspective, who will change a finger-prick lancet every single time they test their blood? There's not much difference between the risks of a blunt lancet and a blunt needle...

    Different people will place different weightings on the perceived benefits (e.g. how inconvenient/difficult it is to restock your needles depending on your location and time commitments, how important the environmental concerns are to you, how much extra time, effort and personal resources you want to dedicate to yet another aspect of your daily diabetes management, etc). Different people will even have different weightings on the actual risks (e.g. if you are already prone to or living with diabetic complications, if you are immunocompromised, if your dexterity or skin quality make it difficult to avoid damaging the needle, your age, etc). As long as you consider all these factors, and are willing to accept the consequences of whatever happens, I'm not going to judge you for re-using a needle any more than I am going to judge you on how often you measure your BGL per day or how often you eat pizza. While there are best practices and everybody from your great-aunt's neighbour to your endocrinologist will offer extensive advice and personal experience, ultimately it is largely a matter of personal choice and what works best for you individually that dictates how you manage your diabetes. Within reason, I don't think anybody else should judge you either - they can offer knowledge and advice, and if you experience any symptoms from your needle use you should probably take that into consideration, but otherwise, I think there are many many way bigger issues for diabetics to spend their mental effort stressing over. I think the significance of the issue is not proportional to the thread length and professional effort put into discussing it. Probably not even proportional to the word count of my single post! ;)

    In all of life, we ignore best practice routinely - how many people will carefully inspect every tyre, check the oil and test all lights before every single car journey, and who will just jump into the car and go when they just need to pop down to the local shops for milk? Do you put on sterile gloves and swab your stomach with chlorhexidine before every injection? Who has calibrated and serviced their reusable pens and glucometers recently? Have you familiarised yourself with changes in road legislation since you passed your driver's licence test? Nobody has the time and money to do all the things that someone somewhere tells you that you should always do, and nobody ever does exactly the best and most correct thing all the time. Diabetes is just another place where we fudge best practice and take shortcuts to get us through the day. Whatever works best for you, as long as it works best for you...


  • 38.  RE: B &D and Novo 4mm needle supply

    Posted 03-11-2022 14:30
    PS - personally, my local chemist seems to have reasonable stocks of 4mm needles, but hasn't had any 8mm needles for quite some time. I personally like to use longer needles for my Optisulin - a larger bolus than my Novorapid, and I find that a shallow injection of a large volume is more likely to leave a temporary lump that I am worried about disturbing (rubbing the injection site is a big no-no as it disturbs the blob of gel that controls the rate of release for Optisulin) and is more likely to cause minor pain  for me personally than a deeper shot. Another example of where general best-practice advice isn't always best personal practice for an individual - general blanket advice is that 4mm needles are best and not to use 8mm ones...
