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  • 1.  Blood donation - exclusions (foot & mouth disease from UK)

    Posted 05-08-2022 10:08
    Just thought you might be interested and possibly whether DA could make some high-level inquiries:

    Since the foot & mouth disease outbreak in the UK, The Australian Red Cross has excluded T1 diabetics from donating blood if they used bovine-sourced insulin from the UK during that period.  I used such insulin, so I was excluded after the outbreak.  People who lived in the UK during the outbreak were also excluded.

    I used bovine insulin from the outset (late ~1977) until insulin was made from pig products and then transitioned to synthetic "human" insulin.  I don't remember when these changes occurred.

    A week or two ago, the Red Cross began accepting donations from people who lived in the UK during the outbreak, so I contacted them to check whether T1's from that period could now donate.   After a few days consideration, they ruled it out.

    I check with the Red Cross every few years in case they had develop a test for FMD or changed their mind.  I also wonder why they can't use potentially risky blood for research or to substitute for good blood that's used for research or other non-therapeutic human applications.  Half in jest, I've even offered to give them a glucose-rich or lean contribution as they wish.


  • 2.  RE: Blood donation - exclusions (foot & mouth disease from UK)

    Posted 05-08-2022 11:58
    Hi Jock, It's a very interesting discussion regarding the exclusionary practices of the Red Cross. I know that after the Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease (CJD) in England and problems donating blood for those with HIV there has been much research and comments in the current media on blood giving, which is of course so important to those in need and those that love to help others. I just checked out the Red Cross website by typing in exclusions and there are quite a few listed. Well worth a look 👀. Insulin and Type1's are not excluded,  but  worth a chat with medical staff just in case.


  • 3.  RE: Blood donation - exclusions (foot & mouth disease from UK)

    Posted 05-08-2022 13:35
    Thanks Michael.  I didn't think of checking their www site. 

    I used to donate befor and after T1 (before mad cow) but my insulin was made in the UK when the cows got mad.   I must have disclosed before my next donation.

    It would be good to know from others with a similar history,whether or not they are excluded.
