Type 2 - Connect

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  • 1.  Greetings and introductions!

    Posted 13-05-2024 16:00

    Hi all,

    Big welcome to our new members who have joined our Diabetes Australia community recently. We are happy to have you here!

    Use this thread to say HI, introduce yourself, tell us where you are from, what you like doing - a little bit about you.

    Also for our older members who aren't new, maybe you are just a silent reader, perhaps you haven't posted before, say hello! Introduce yourself. Let's get to know each other. Feel free to insert a photo of yourself, your favourite hobby, etc. Let's connect.

    I'll start,

    Hello! I'm Ange, your Membership and Community Coordinator. I have been with Diabetes Australia - based in Tasmania for nearly 11 years. I live on the eastern shore of Hobart with my 16 year old daughter, Leila and our cat, Gypsy. Sadly I lost my 14 year old dog not so long ago, which was heartbreaking. My daughter and I passionately support the Adelaide Crows in the AFL and we have just this year found a love of cruising. We sailed on the Quantum of the Seas from Brisbane to the South Pacific in January and we are going back again in February 2025.

    Over to you … 

    Natasha, Ange and Erin

    Membership and Community Team

  • 2.  RE: Greetings and introductions!

    Posted 14-05-2024 18:02


    I was born in the year 1958 in Madras, India, as an able-bodied child and grew up with a penchant for food. At a very young age I was trained in equestrian sports, played polo and trained to become a pilot. I had to undergo a medical examination to upgrade as a commercial pilot, and that's when I hit my first hurdle. I was told that I had high blood pressure and could not proceed with my flying career.

    My paternal grandfather, father and mother were all afflicted with type 2 diabetes. My father and mother managed their diabetes with insulin and oral medications. However, my love for food blinded my thoughts and I threw caution to the winds and ignored my health.

    Around the year 2000, one early morning when I picked up the newspaper, I could not read a word. I rushed to consult my ophthalmologist and I was asked to do a blood test followed by a glucose tolerance test and was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes.

    I was told, type 2 diabetes is a progressive condition and usually gets worse over time. I was advised to make lifestyle changes, such as adjusting my diet and staying physically active. However, I scorned at the advice and continued my food indulgence and remained inactive with reckless abandon.

    After 20 years, my diabetes began to take its toll and almost crippled me. I lost control of my blood sugar; my hypertension went over the roof and developed acute nasal congestion. Then came the dreaded covid-19 wave and the lockdowns.

    I decided to take a break from work and went back to the university and qualified with a Bachelor of Health science in Nutrition and Exercise Physiology and decided to study further for a Master of Human Nutrition. I have one more year to complete my post-graduation.



  • 3.  RE: Greetings and introductions!

    Posted 15-05-2024 11:45

    I have problems sticking to diet also Ravi.

    thank you for a most interesting post



  • 4.  RE: Greetings and introductions!

    Posted 15-05-2024 17:58

    Hi Ken,

    Good to hear from you and thank you. As part of my studies at Uni SA, I volunteered to undergo Cognitive Behavioural Therapy to get over my eating disorder and thankfully I have improved my health in the last few years. I really wish I had known about the CBT earlier.
    Best Wishes,


  • 5.  RE: Greetings and introductions!

    Posted 15-05-2024 12:16

    Hi Ravi,

    Thank you for your post, great to read and learn more about our members.

    Wish you all the best in completing your studies. Have you found the studies have helped you with your own journey with diabetes, food and exercise?

    Thanks for being a part of our community, Ange

    Natasha, Ange and Erin

    Membership and Community Team

  • 6.  RE: Greetings and introductions!

    Posted 15-05-2024 16:10

    Hi Natasha, Ange and Erin,

    Thank you for your response to my introductory post. The study of nutrition and exercise physiology made me understand the complexities of the human body and the effect of nutrition across the lifespan. As a direct result of my studies, I have lost considerable weight, realised my follies and succeeded to change my food habits for the better. My studies made me understand about the importance of "Resistance Training" and "Resistance Starch". Thank you again,



  • 7.  RE: Greetings and introductions!

    Posted 15-05-2024 17:06

    Hi Natasha

    Good to have this forum for all of us to share our experiences with.  Amazing to read Ravi's revelations.  Good for you for sharing.  

    I am a married woman in my 70s living in Ravenshoe, Far North Queensland.  I was diagnosed with T2 Diabetes on the day I turned 60 and retired.  Oh, boy....another stage of life - but I didn't think it would be Diabetes.  Anyway, onwards and ever upwards.  I had a wonderful doctor and team and I read a most informative book "Diabetes Type 2 - You Can Reverse it Naturally" by Dr Sandra Cabot.  I found it answered a lot of questions.  I was 72kg when I was diagnosed and by following the diet recommended (with a cooking guide) in this book I lost 10kgs.  It wasn't really hard.  I have kept that weight off.  By diet & exercise I have been able to constantly achieve an HBA1C of 6.5 on average.  Unfortunately, following a course of chemotherapy for breast cancer, I wasn't able to keep up my daily walks and have gained a bit of weight.  All in all, though, I have so far navigated the diabetes struggle fairly well.  I find a positive attitude really helps and enjoy the helpful video casts that Diabetes provides really helpful.


  • 8.  RE: Greetings and introductions!

    Posted 16-05-2024 07:48
    Edited by Diabetes Australia 16-05-2024 07:48

    What a great post Ange! 

    I have enjoyed hearing a little more from our members. Keep the posts coming.

    I'll go next.

    Hi, I'm Natasha, your Membership Manager. I live in Brisbane with my Husband, two kids and boxer dog Rowdy. Most of our time is taken up with kids sports. My Son plays football (soccer) and my daughter tennis.

    I look forward to reading more of your stories. 

    Natasha, Ange and Erin

    Membership and Community Team

  • 9.  RE: Greetings and introductions!

    Posted 20-05-2024 11:49

    Hello Natasha, 

    I'm Marie from Casino in northern NSW and I found yesterday's forum very interesting. Afterwards I spoke to a friend who was until fairly recently practice manager for one of the two big medical practices in our town. She said that their surgery computers are all set up for My Health Record but uptake is minuscule. Patients have to ask their doctor specifically to use it, and most don't even realise that. There are a lot of people around here with limited access to or knowledge of computers (low socio-economic town with large indigenous population and high unemployment), and many doctors are reluctant to use it because they don't have time. As with most rural towns, the shortage of doctors is acute, the ones here have full caseloads, and even the extra few minutes that entering data in My Health Record takes is time they just don't have. 

    I don't know about  local pharmacies participating in online prescription services, but to neither to my friend's knowledge nor mine do any local pharmacies offer it. Also, internet services, especially wifi, can be unreliable around here in poor weather, and in parts of this district there is no internet access at all. Personally, I prefer hard copy prescriptions because I know where they are, I can check doses, repeats and expiry dates immediately rather than fiddling around online navigating passwords and identity checks, 

    So all in My Health Record has a long way to go before it's viable and generally accepted. 


  • 10.  RE: Greetings and introductions!

    Posted 19-05-2024 17:17


    I'm Gary.  I was diagnosed with T2 diabetes some 22 years ago.  I am originally from the western suburbs of Sydney but have been living in Canberra approaching 30 years, having moved for work.  I live with my wife, and we are now empty nesters.  I retired in 2019 after working as a mechanical engineer.  Since retiring I have joined our local Community Fire Unit, and also volunteer with an organisation called TADACT who amongst other things design and build bespoke solutions to improve the life of the elderly and disabled. Most recently I have joined (at the suggestion of my wife) the Canberra Miniature Railway and have just qualified as a Station Master, guard and driver. 

    I also have a son who lives locally and a daughter who lives in Melbourne with her family.  My mother, who also has T2 Diabetes turns 100 next month.
