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  • 1.  Insurance issues with pump upgrade

    Posted 15-09-2023 11:43

    HI all, 

     I am looking for some tips on how to handle my insurance situation relating to my pump upgrade. 

    I got Type 1 diabetes quite late in live and only been on a pump for 8 years now. I initially was on the Metronic for 4 years and then changed in May 2020 to the Solo pump from Roche was the first patch pump that came to Australia. I had my ups and downs with it, but after 3 years, I am not able to continue with it. 

    The Solo as a consumable has a yearly approval. And I had no problems getting this every year. Since March 2023 I have considered changing to a new pump. 

    I called BUPA and asked if I need to do another 1 year with SOLO or if I could change to a new pump from May onwards when my 3rd year was over. They said, as it's a consumable, it was not a problem to change after the year. 

    Then I applied via the hospital in July for the new pump upgrade and 1 months later got a decline for the pump upgrade, because they approve this only every 4 years and my last pump was given to me in May 2022. 

    I have had 6 calls with BUPA now since I got the decline on the 22nd of August. I only every get  to the call center. :-( They dont understand a word about insulin pumps.  During the first call they talked to the hospital team and said, yes you are right sorry, we will change the approval letter. You will get this within 7 working days (it's not 25 working days !). 

    Every since they have said, oh... it will just take a few more days, then somethings like you should wait 2 years and then oh now we approved your other pump. So clearly the people I talk to have no clue. The case managers at BUPA are not moving. 

    However, my consumable pump will run out in 50 days and then I will have no pump :-)

    Any tips on what to do with BUPA or my pump upgrade? I would not like to go back to injections.




  • 2.  RE: Insurance issues with pump upgrade

    Posted 16-09-2023 07:09

    Suggest talking with the company which manufactures the pump you want. Some have loan schemes until the insurance kicks in. This allows them to get you into their ecosystem early and the still benefit from you purchasing all the consumables via NDSS.


  • 3.  RE: Insurance issues with pump upgrade

    Posted 16-09-2023 08:41

    Hi Stephanie

    The brutal corporate approach seems to be the order of the day with corporate governance of our lives overtaking any semblance of freedom. The offshore call center charade is being used by many operatives to confuse, obfuscate and maximise profit... and it is working well. You just have to find a way to expose their malfeasance to the point where embarrassment may effect their bottom line.  

     I would be trying  an ombudsman. Maybe this one: https://www.health.gov.au/contacts/commonwealth-ombudsman-private-health-insurance?language=und  It is an insurance issue. In one unrelated instance with the banking ombudsman ,which was once under the same umbrella, a disaster was apologetically reversed in 1 hour(plus a token extra gift) after a phone call to that ombudsman. Be sure to tell the ombudsman how dangerous the situation is... in detail, stress that time is of the essence. They probably will ask you to contact BUPA to try to work it out and there may be a time lime that BUPA has to fix it. So explain, preferably also in writing, that they may be liable criminally and civilly if you have health issues due to their tardiness, etc.  If that does not work, call you fed MP and ask for advice on who to contact. That has worked too. In a situation where the MP said there was no governing body. He sent a note to the obstinate party and the problem vanished. 

    I suggest that if you have a win you ask BUPA that seeing the problem was offshore and language was a problem, they give a direct number to an Aus case manager. Say that as this is a matter of acute safety, they have duty of care to supply an immediate helpline or they could be found to be malfeasant, misfeasant or nonfeasant. 

    Please do not construe this as legal advice. It is simply what I would do in your position.

    Please let us all know how you fair. It could be handy in the future.


  • 4.  RE: Insurance issues with pump upgrade

    Posted 16-09-2023 14:32

    Hi Stefanie,

    Although I cannot provide you with a solution, much of the insurance industry is legalised discrimination. The insurance industry is protected by government legislation to assess claims based on previously determined actuarial figures and not on the specific circumstances of each individual. It doesn't matter how careful you are with your Type1 diabetes with low HBA1C etc etc they will treat you as the worst case scenario. As Crispin states "it's a brutal corporate business."

    If you think you have basic rights check out this statement "However, the DDA recognises that some discrimination is necessary in the insurance business. It contains a partial exemption for insurance and superannuation providers in s 46. It also contains a general defence which may apply to providers where not discriminating would cause them unjustifiable hardship."  (https://humanrights.gov.au/our-work/disability-rights/guidelines-providers-insurance-and-superannuation-under-disability)

    Also, I went to the ombudsman, human rights commission, Anti discrimination Commission over being refused a government combined life insurance Superannuation policy many years ago, and found out the long and convoluted way that  the insurance industry is mostly a protected behemoth/vampire that will suck you dry yet still ask you to pay your dues.

    Hopefully, Diabetes Australia can provide you with a more positive solution to get an updated insulin pump, so you don't have to bang your head against a brick wall  speaking to insurance providers or take out a loan to pay for essential technology!


  • 5.  RE: Insurance issues with pump upgrade

    Posted 16-09-2023 21:50

    Hi Stephanie

    I'm about to be fitted with a Medtronic pump on Monday.  My dealings with BUPA were impossible. The people I spoke had no idea and consistently told me I was not eligible. 

    It was only with the help of the salesperson (a pump user) and my endocrinologist that I was able to negotiate the BUPA minefield.  I can only echo William's advice to explore options with the company providing the device and in particular the possibility of a 12 month loan.  



  • 6.  RE: Insurance issues with pump upgrade

    Posted 17-09-2023 08:17

    Hi Stafanie, I have been on a pump now for many years. Each time my renewal comes up I get a letter from my endo, then I contact the representative for the pump that I use. Next I contact my daibetic educator. This way the health fund knows you mean business,  All of your team know what is happening, I am with medibank and so far have not had a problem. I have a T-slim X2 & it is an excellent product. I also use Descom G6 & the two of them keep me running.

    I hope my little bit of info helps.



  • 7.  RE: Insurance issues with pump upgrade

    Posted 18-09-2023 08:39

    Hi all, 

    Thank you so much for your replies and your help. I needed a weekend away from emails and the laptop. 

    A few of the steps have been on my list already. Several others have been some good new ideas. 

    It is quite a bit of a shame that with all the innovations around make our life easier, longer and a lot more normal. We are depending on the brutal corporate system. 

    I will keep the community up to date with any progress and hopeful a good outcome soon. 

    Best wsihes



  • 8.  RE: Insurance issues with pump upgrade

    Posted 06-10-2023 10:55

    Hi all, 

    I just wanted to let you know that I have been successful in getting an answer from BUPA in the end. 

    The did only respond after the ombudsmen has contacted them to discuss my case. 

    They will pay for the pump upgrade now and did admit that their current policies and guideline don't consider that the consumable pumps have the yearly upgrade and therefore I would have never reached a 4-year break in the renewal. They need to review this. 

    In the meantime, I have 30 days left on my current pump and will get my pump upgrade before I run out. 

    Thanks a lot, to this community for providing the advice and support. I was never going to go the way through the ombudsmen. Sad that  it has to come that far. 

    My stress levels have reduced, and I am looking forward to another new pump adventure :-)


