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  • 1.  International Coeliac Awareness Day

    Posted 16-05-2024 16:33

    Today is International Coeliac Awareness Day.

    Coeliac disease is a condition where an intolerance to gluten causes inflammation and damage to the small bowel.

    Coeliac disease and type 1 diabetes can occur together because they are both autoimmune conditions. It is estimated that 5 out of 100 of people with type 1 diabetes may have coeliac disease.

    Some people with type 2 diabetes also develop coeliac disease, but the two conditions are not related.

    You can read more about Coeliac disease and diabetes via this NDSS factsheet.

    Natasha, Ange and Erin

    Membership and Community Team

  • 2.  RE: International Coeliac Awareness Day

    Posted 17-05-2024 14:24

    Hi Community team 

    Many thanks for highlighting Celiac Day however it's just as important to highlight other debilitating inflammatory bowel diseases that are associated with diabetics. Let's all have an awareness of all autoimmune genetic diseases that affect the stomach and bowel such as IBD (inflammatory bowel disease), Crohns and ulcerative colitis having a higher incidence rates in diabetes. 

     I have Crohns Disease which as an inflammatory bowel disease.   In fact, Australia's governing body is called "Crohn's & Colitis Australia. Crohn's disease has a higher incidence in diabetics than the general population. Crohns inflammations are usually first countered with steroids that greatly effects insulin levels and puts huge challenges to the daily lives of diabetics.  


  • 3.  RE: International Coeliac Awareness Day

    Posted 20-05-2024 14:48

    Hi Michael,

    Thank you for your feedback.

    We often highlight different complications / co-morbidities, this one was done particularly on coeliac disease as it was International Coeliac Disease Awareness Day.

    I will certainly put on our agenda to highlight and give information on inflammatory bowel diseases like Crohns. 

    We also have our new topic specific connected discussion community - Complications. Which you can join and all discussions will be on different complications, how people manage, symptoms, research etc. etc. These topic specific connected communities we are trying to grow, so please join and start a discussion.

    Thanks, Ange

    Natasha, Ange and Erin

    Membership and Community Team