Hello David,
Thank you very much for your reply. Hopefully Novo are genuine in saying the needles may again be available in Q4 2023.
I sent a couple of emails to BD at their Singapore address ( given they don't even have an Australian presence)re the UltraFine PRO. I have received no reply. I note the DA/ NDSS forum response says the BD UltraFine are available- this fails to recognise that there was an UltraFine PRO which is what I was talking about and which I found preferable.
Thanks again for your response,
Original Message:
Sent: 3/8/2023 2:09:00 PM
From: David
Subject: RE: Novo Fine Plus & BD 32G 4mm UltraFine Pro Needles
Hello Rob
I sent an email to Novo Nordisk a few weeks ago asking about the availability of NovoFine Plus 32G x 4mm Pen Needles and also asked why Fiasp was not available in 5x3ml glass Penfill cartridges, their reply is posted below (note they made no mention of Fiasp being removed from the PBS)
Dear David,
Thank you for contacting Novo Nordisk Pharmaceuticals Pty Ltd.
Novo Nordisk has decided to temporarily stop production of 100pcs NovoFine® Plus 32G (gauge) 4mm needle packs, due to a quality defect, which we expect will last until Q4 2023.
Other needle lengths are not affected as they are manufactured at different sites.
We expect supplies of 100pcs NovoFine® Plus 4mm to be normalised during Q4 2023.
In Australia, possible options for replacement are either NovoFine® 32G Tip 6mm (100 pcs) or NovoFine® 30G 8mm (100 pcs). Switching between different types of needles are approved as interchangeable, but we recommend speaking to a healthcare professional for medical advice.
Unfortunately, Fiasp® is not available in Penfill® in Australia on the PBS and we do not have any further information regarding timing or availability of this product.
Novo Nordisk was required to select one pen presentation for Fiasp® - FlexTouch® was chosen due to number of patients that would likely use FlexTouch® vs Penfill® and the convenience this pen offers patients.
If you have any further enquiries please contact Novo Nordisk Customer Care on our toll free number 1800 668 626, or via email aunrccc@novonordisk.com.
EDIT: Novo Nordisk is not 'discontinuing' Fiasp insulin, it will still be available but only if you are prepared to pay the full price of >$200 - they are withdrawing it from the PBS because they want more money from the government for it.
David B.
Original Message:
Sent: 08-03-2023 14:32
From: Robin
Subject: Novo Fine Plus & BD 32G 4mm UltraFine Pro Needles
Given Novo Nordisk have taken it upon themselves to discontinue Fiasp Insulin, it would be an opportune time to also obtain information from them on why Novo Fine Plus 32G 4mm needles are no longer available. Sadly they appear to be holding the Type 1 diabetes community to ransom, which , at best , is entirely despicable.
I was also a regular user of BD UltraFine Pro 32g 4mm needles , which have also disappeared from Australian supply. BD website does not even have an Australian contact. Pharmaceutical companies need to be held to account by NDSS and Diabetes Australia.