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  • 1.  Omnipod DASH

    Posted 11-02-2024 17:23

    Hello fellow Type 1 Diabetics. 

    I would like to hear from you, if you are or have tried the Omnipod DASH.  I have been trialling it for almost three months.  I find it to be really good as there are no tubes and it is easy to administer.  I use it in conjunction with the Libre 2 sensor. 


  • 2.  RE: Omnipod DASH

    Posted 13-02-2024 10:03

    Hi Michelle,

    I have been using the Omnipod system for about eight months now and also use Libre 2.  This has been far and away my best experience really since I started with pumps probably 15-20 years ago.  I am in the surf and pool all the time and have not had a single pod failure due to the water.  It is so much easier to sleep with as the pod is smaller and there are no tubes to entangle yourself in. I really think this is the way the technology will go regarding pumps and have been told this will become a closed system with Libre 2 in the near future. My insulin requirements, both basal and bolus sensitivity have decreased  and my HB1AC has decreased since using this system.

    Dislikes - the 72 hour time chip - both the alarm pinging and the logistics of only being able to order 30 days pod supply at a time requires a lot of thought for me.  Also, I began using the system during the colder months and have found as this hot summer has approached, I need to use an additional tape to ensure the pod doesn't come loose due to sweat.

    Like you, I started out with a rental trial but recently switched to having my health fund purchase the system. I also found some resistance from my health providers to me using this system, probably because it is not yet a closed system, but I find it so much less intrusive than any system I have previously used. I have twice had supply issues with the pods but on both occasions I had  this sorted with an Insulet rep in Australia (the 24/7 customer service facility has no clue about supply in Australia).

    Hope you continue to have success with the regime and enjoy it as much as I do.


  • 3.  RE: Omnipod DASH

    Posted 17-02-2024 13:17

    Hi Michelle,

    I have been using Omnipod with Dexcom g6 for about 4 months and I'm loving it. I switched from Multilple Daily Injections. The tubing and connection to a pump was always a no go for me and I was happily on MDI doing well. However late last year I hit a wall with injections and moved to Omnipod.

    Not having injections but also not having tubes or connection to a machine has been a game changer for me. The pod is much smaller than I thought it would be and I barely notice it. Changing pods has been quick and easy. The ability to have more precise dosing, and to be able to set up  temporary basals for activity and humid weather has been really good. The inbuilt calculator for carb counting and bolus dosing has also been really helpful. I really can't fault it and my life feels more normal - no more injections and finger pricking.

    I have been advised the application for Omnipod 5 is with the regulator waiting for approval and it is hoped it will be released at the end of the year - fingers crossed. This will be a closed loop system and will be a game changer. I think the patch pump is where the technology will take us in the future and will be a significant improvement in the quality of lives for many.

    For anyone wondering about whether Omnipod might be for them, I would encourage you to trial it. I got mine on a 3 month trial and knew after the first week I would be keeping it.

    I hope your experience has been as positive as mine.

    Keep well,

