Hi all,
Some information provided below by one of our health professionals on the reuse of needles, as the question has been raised with us on proper protocol.
As this thread is also from 2022, I am going to close it now for comment. Please remember our guidelines of being kind and courteous to each other, and people are allowed differing opinions. We would also like to refrain from the use of slang terms like "druggies" for example, as they can be harmful to many.
This is the current guide from the Diabetes Australia website. Which the instructions list to attach a new needle with insulin injection.
Then if you were to have a look at something like the Novo Nordisk pen needles for example, their website also has specific instructions to always use a new needle.
The guide would be to follow the manufacturers instructions (which for example Novo Nordisk lists a new needle each time as mentioned) and that our guide also says to attach a new needle as part of the step by step.
Natasha, Ange and Erin
Membership and Community Team
Original Message:
Sent: 10-04-2024 14:00
From: Paul
Subject: Pen Needles : BD Ultra Fine Pro 32G 4mm, Novo Fine Plus 32G 4mm
I thought we were supposed to use the shorter 4mm needles, rather than the older 5 or 6 mm. What do specialists currently recommend? Needing 6 or 8 injections a day, I reuse needles for several days without problems, which will save $40+ a box, which leaves more money saved that taxpayers would have to fork out.
Paul D
Original Message:
Sent: 17-10-2022 17:18
From: Frances
Subject: Pen Needles : BD Ultra Fine Pro 32G 4mm, Novo Fine Plus 32G 4mm
Hello Rob & everyone, I have been having trouble obtaining 6mm needles for the past few weeks. No supply in northern NSW. I can only get 8mm needles. I've been told that 4mm are in short supply as people are getting 4mm instead of 6mm. Even DA can't give an answer as to when supplies will be available again. I'm using the needles several times instead of once or twice, to make a limited supply last longer! Frances
Original Message:
Sent: 16-10-2022 13:15
From: Robin
Subject: Pen Needles : BD Ultra Fine Pro 32G 4mm, Novo Fine Plus 32G 4mm
I have been Type 1 for nearly 51 years. I am on multiple daily injections.
I had been using BD Ultra Fine Pro 32G 4mm needles until they disappeared from pharmacies and the NDSS list some time ago and then changed to Novo Fine Plus 32G 4mm as the best replacement being very similar structure to the BD model. I found that the design of the needle cover on each of these models made them far easier to remove and replace than other versions I had tried.
I have today been advised by the pharmacy that the Novo Fine Plus 32G 4mm is now also not available. I have checked the NDSS website myself for confirmation and their order form does not include either of these models.
Is DA, NDSS or anyone else able to advise any further information on this - it is extremely disappointing when such good and suitable products are suddenly unavailable without any notice.
Many thanks for any further information,
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