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Tip number 5 in our series for you.

  • 1.  Tip number 5 in our series for you.

    Posted 18-09-2023 09:01

    Hi members,

    We have hit the half way mark with our 10 tips to help you feel good and be happy!

    This one I can certainly vouch for, Declutter.

    When you are at home, it can help to have an environment that feels food to you. You don't have to go full Marie Kondo but devoting five or ten minutes a day to decluttering can reap long term benefits.

    Pick a shelf or a drawer to start with and create three piles - one for objects that don't belong there, one for things that do and one for things that you can get rid of. 

    While you are decluttering you might rediscover some happy memories, like old family photos, or a painting your child or grand child gave you.

    Research suggests the effects of tidying can boost self-esteem and leave you feeling invigorated and satisfied.

    Now, why I can vouch for this is, I have a 16 year old daughter, who hates keeping her room tidy, we have made a plan (and a deal) to do exactly this on a regular basis in her room, 10 minutes a day and she now agrees that a clean, tidy and decluttered room feels much better to be in and helps improve her mood and feels less weighed down - that's a win for me!

    Have you tried this? Do you go shelf by shelf, or room by room? What works for you may help someone else.

    Look forward to hearing your tips - Ange.

    Natasha, Ange and Anna

    Membership and Community Team