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  • 1.  Tip number 8 - to feel good, and be happy.

    Posted 24-09-2023 14:01

    Hey Members,

    Here we are in the last week of September already! Tip number 8 in our series of feeling good and being happy is ...

    Write it out!

    A great way to relieve stress and practice mindfulness is to keep a journal.

    Instead of keeping worries and stresses cooped up inside your head, let them free on paper.

    Research shows that writing down your thoughts is therapeutic, allows you to prioritise problems and can help you gain perspective.

    You don't need to keep a detailed diary, the simple act of writing down how you feel in a couple of lines, describing a part of your day or even just a doodle can help your organise your thoughts and calm a racing mind.

    Do you keep a journal or diary? Do you think it helps? 

    Have a great week, Ange.

    Natasha, Ange and Anna

    Membership and Community Team

  • 2.  RE: Tip number 8 - to feel good, and be happy.

    Posted 25-09-2023 06:50

    There is that word again, "mindfulness" ................. my Psychologist would not even use that word infront of me, go Google Brown Univeristy mindfulness men vs women


  • 3.  RE: Tip number 8 - to feel good, and be happy.

    This message was posted by a user wishing to remain anonymous
    Posted 25-09-2023 16:54
    This message was posted by a user wishing to remain anonymous

    Absolutely I too learnt to do this through my psychologist. 
    It truly supports your presence in situations we encounter each day. It's also helps me realise how grateful I am to possess diabetic management that helps me through each result.

    Thank you for the post. 

  • 4.  RE: Tip number 8 - to feel good, and be happy.

    Posted 27-09-2023 10:47

    So pleased to hear that his post resonated with you.

    We are always here to help., reach out at anytime.

    Take care, Ange.

    Natasha, Ange and Anna

    Membership and Community Team

  • 5.  RE: Tip number 8 - to feel good, and be happy.

    Posted 27-09-2023 10:44

    This helped me this week!! Diaversary number one is approaching & I've been a bit down. Can't tell my hubby & I have no T1 buddies,  so posted in a Facebook group & received some kind responses. Felt so much better writing it down. 


  • 6.  RE: Tip number 8 - to feel good, and be happy.

    Posted 27-09-2023 10:47

    Hi Jennifer,

    Glad this approach helped you this week and you felt supported.

    Please remember this forum is filled with wonderful people who are here to help and pass on valuable lived experiences and information. We, the membership and community team, are also here for you always reach out if you need.

    Take care, Ange.

    Natasha, Ange and Anna

    Membership and Community Team

  • 7.  RE: Tip number 8 - to feel good, and be happy.

    Posted 28-09-2023 09:00

    Yes I want to say thankyou for this diabetes community,  as we can feel quite alone, as there is not really that many of us .

    Amazingly before I retired  , I was able to have lunch with two other type 1's,  that is very rare. Now only contact is online diabetes community. 

    So thankyou again  
