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Today is World Gratitude Day - what are you grateful for today?

  • 1.  Today is World Gratitude Day - what are you grateful for today?

    Posted 21-09-2023 12:54

    Hi Members,

    Celebrating World Gratitude Day! 21 September is world gratitude day, it is a global celebration of thankfulness and appreciation every year on this date. It originated in 1965 at a UN dinner hosted by an Indian spiritual leader and meditation teacher. The guests pledged to observe gratitude day in their own countries and spread the message of gratitude.

    Gratitude Day encourages people to express gratitude to their family, friends, colleagues and even strangers. It also promotes the benefits of gratitude for mental health, happiness, and social connection.

    Today, what are three things that you are grateful for?

    For me it is, my families support in hard times, my daughter, and having a roof over our heads to call our own.

    Every day I write one thing I am grateful for in my diary. And as we are talking this month about things that make us feel good and be happy - having things to be grateful for, whether big or small, is certainly something that makes me feel good and be happy.

    Have a great day all, Ange.

    Natasha, Ange and Anna

    Membership and Community Team