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  • 1.  Update on shortage of Ozempic and Trulicity

    Posted 27-06-2022 16:11

    Diabetes Australia is aware of shortages of both Ozempic and Trulicity.

    The Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) has advised that the shortage of both is likely to last until the end of August.

    Some supply will be available during this period but it will be intermittent.

    Diabetes Australia has been working with the Therapeutic Goods Administration, the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners, the Australian Diabetes Society, the Pharmacy Guild of Australia and other relevant health organisations to encourage health professional to limit prescriptions to people living with type 2 diabetes.

    People who are impacted should talk to their GP or another member of their diabetes healthcare team about alternative medicines to help them manage their diabetes until the shortages are resolved.

    We encourage people to leave their prescription with their regular pharmacy if you can. This will help your pharmacist to order for you and help you to get the medicines you need.

    Community Team
    Natasha & Erin

  • 2.  RE: Update on shortage of Ozempic and Trulicity

    Posted 28-06-2022 06:04
    Thanks for this update.  I think this is my first post too.  I wanted to make a comment about this shortage. Given that many people are getting it for weight loss, wouldn't it be more prudent for those kinds of scripts to be denied (unless for absolutely necessary cases).  I feel diabetes treatment should be a number one priority.  I find it totally unacceptable that people with such a serious condition  as diabetes are being left without this medication. Weight loss is important for some but surely pharmacies can be instructed not to fill scripts for weight loss until the supply issue is resolved?  I don't mean for this to sound harsh but fair is fair, diabetes treatment is so much more serious.  Thanks for reading. Virginia.


  • 3.  RE: Update on shortage of Ozempic and Trulicity

    Posted 28-06-2022 07:07
    Edited by Paul 28-06-2022 07:21
    Virginia, that is what is supposed to be happening now. Feel free to sound harsh. It is warranted.

    Paul D

  • 4.  RE: Update on shortage of Ozempic and Trulicity

    Posted 28-06-2022 08:20

     Hi Virginia and Paul,  not all chemists prioritize people with diabetes. Mine keeps a list and rings us when they have a delivery. I had a 4 weeks supply early this month. There is no guarantee about when/if the next one arrives. If I run out, so far I relied on Trulicity.
    I had no idea that now there is a shortage of that one too!

    Sent from my Galaxy