Hi Linden,
Happy Monday.
I took your question back to Karen, who provided the Snippets video, her response is below, I hope this assists you:
If the arm has plenty of adipose tissue (fat), that part of the arm will be fine. However, if the arm is lean and has more muscle, it is sometimes not the best spot because the insulin will be absorbed into the muscle, and the insulin action will be quicker, which will cause low glucose levels (hypoglycaemia).
You can try it and ensure it is not close to the bicep muscle.
Warm regards, Karen
Natasha, Ange and Erin
Membership and Community Team
Original Message:
Sent: 03-09-2024 14:38
From: Linden
Subject: Injection sites for insulin
Goodday Ange,
Thank you for pointing me to the Snippet. The information is useful. Is the bottom of the arm between the elbow towards the armpit another alternate site?
Original Message:
Sent: 02-09-2024 09:17
From: Diabetes Australia
Subject: Injection sites for insulin
Hi Linden,
Thank you for your question.
We have a Snippets, short video on this page on this topic for you to have a look at, the video is by one of our diabetes educators, Karen - Alternative injection sites. It is the first video appearing on the page.
If you have any further questions once viewing this, please reach out.
Kind regards, Ange.
Natasha, Ange and Erin
Membership and Community Team
Original Message:
Sent: 30-08-2024 12:22
From: Linden
Subject: Injection sites for insulin
Hello members, apart from the abdomen, what other sites are members using to self inject insulin?